Copy a VSE Sublibrary Member from a BSAM Sublibrary to a Controlled Disk Data Set

This Process copies a VSE sublibrary member from a BSAM sublibrary to a CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC controlled disk data set on the same IBM® Connect:Direct® node using PNODE=SNODE processing. All of the disk and tape data set names have been predefined to the appropriate system catalog. This Process was written with symbolic parameters to allow for a generic Process, so you must modify to your standards.

When you reference BSAM libraries in a IBM Connect:Direct Process, you must specify: DSORG, DSN, UNIT, and VOL=SER= parameters.

LIB2DYD1 PROC  SNODE=SC.VSE.NODE                                               -
               PNODE=SC.VSE.NODE                                               -
               &MEMBER=LIB2DYT1                                                -
               &VSEDSN=USER01.TEST.LIBCOPY1                                    -
               &VSELIB=CONN.DIRECT.LIBRARIES                                   -
               &VSESUB=USER01                                                  -
               &VSETYP=N                                                       -
STEP0001 COPY  FROM ( SNODE                                                    -
                    DSN=&VSELIB                                                -
                    DISP=SHR                                                   -
                    VOL=SER=&VSEVOL                                            -
                    DCB=(DSORG=PS)                                             -
                    LIBR=(                                                     -
                      SELMEM=&MEMBER                                           -
                      SELSLIB=&VSESUB                                          -
                      SELTYPE=&VSETYP)                                         -
                    )                                                          -
               TO   ( PNODE                                                    -
                    DSN=&VSEDSN                                                -
                    UNIT=DLBLONLY                                              -
                    DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=27920)                      -
                    DISP=(NEW,CATLG)                                           -
STEP0002 IF    (STEP0001 EQ 0) THEN
                    RUN TASK (PGM=DMNOTIFY,                                    -
                        PARM=(’GOOD’,&VSEDSN))                                 -
                    RUN TASK (PGM=DMNOTIFY,                                    -
                        PARM=(’FAIL’,&VSEDSN))                                 -