Copy a MSAM Data Set to a Controlled BSAM Data Set (VSE)
Use this Process to copy a MSAM (VSAM Managed SAM) data set into a CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC controlled BSAM data set.
In the previous example, the disk data set has already been defined to the appropriate system catalog. This Process runs on the same IBM® Connect:Direct® node using PNODE=SNODE processing. This Process uses symbolic values.
When you reference BSAM libraries in a IBM Connect:Direct Process, you must specify: DSORG, DSN, UNIT, and VOL=SER= parameters.
When you copy data into a VSE BSAM library, you must add either RECFM=F or RECFM=V to your DCB parameter. This specification depends on the type of input file. If you do not include the RECFM, the Process fails with the message SVSJ122I.