Copy a File from HP UNIX to a VSE Controlled Disk Data Set Using TCP/IP

This Process copies a file from HP UNIX into a CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC controlled disk data set using the TCP/IP protocol.

The disk data set has already been defined to the appropriate system catalog. Verify that you have updated your network map with the SNODE TCP/IP address and port number. DCB information will be provided by the SNODE. This Process was written with symbolics for substitution.

UNX2DYD2 PROCESS PNODE=SC.VSE.USER01                                           -
                 SNODE=                                              -
STEP0001 COPY    TO    ( PNODE                                                 -
                       DSN=&VSEDSN                                             -
                       UNIT=DLBLONLY                                           -
                       )                                                       -
                 FROM  ( SNODE                                                 -
                       DSN=’/home/fremont/ddunc1/750070/arx02.dat’             -
                       SYSOPTS=":xlate=no:strip.blanks=no:"                    -
                       )                                                       -
                 CKPT=1M                                                       -
STEP0002 IF    (STEP0001 EQ 0) THEN
                    RUN TASK (PGM=DMNOTIFY,                                    -
                        PARM=(’GOOD’,&VSEDSN))                                 -
                    RUN TASK (PGM=DMNOTIFY,                                    -
                        PARM=(’FAIL’,&VSEDSN))                                 -