Verifying the Installation
- Type the following command to identify the release and
platform operating system release, where d_dir is the destination
directory and binaryx is a file in the bin/ directory (for example,
% d_dir/etc/cdver d_dir/ndm/bin/[binary1 binary2 ...] - Log in with the user account under which IBM® Connect:Direct® was installed.
- Type the following command to start
Connect:Direct for UNIX Server,
where d_dir is the destination directory and cd_node is the IBM Connect:Direct node
$ d_dir/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i d_dir/ndm/cfg/cd_node/initparm.cfg - Do one of the following to set the environment variable
NDMAPICFG to point to the client configuration file:
- If you are using the Bourne or Korn shell, type the following
$ NDMAPICFG=d_dir/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg $ export NDMAPICFG
- If you are using the C shell, type the following command:
% setenv NDMAPICFG d_dir/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg
- If you are using the Bourne or Korn shell, type the following
- Type the following command to invoke the IBM Connect:Direct client:
$ d_dir/ndm/bin/direct - Type the following command:
Direct> select statistics; Read the statistics information and ensure that the initialization started with no errors. If any errors are displayed, resolve the errors before continuing.
- Type the following command to submit a sample Process:
Direct> submit file=d_dir/ndm/bin/; This sample Process copies a binary file named msgfile.cfg to the file in your HOME directory (your node is both the PNODE and the SNODE). The checkpointing interval is set to 2M and extended compression is used.
- Type the following select process command to monitor data
transmission activity:
Direct> select process pnumber=1; IBM Connect:Direct generates a report with the Process name and number, user, submitter node, queue, and status.
- After the Process is complete, type the following select
statistics command to review the statistics log for the Process:
Direct> select statistics pnumber=1; - Do one of the following:
- Type the following command to manually shut down the IBM Connect:Direct server:
Direct> stop; - When running IBM Connect:Direct with the LU6.2 feature on HP SNA, NCR SNA, Brixton SNA, or SunLink SNA, type the following command to stop IBM Connect:Direct: Direct> stop force;
- Type the following command to quit the IBM Connect:Direct client
without shutting down the server: Direct> quit;
The client terminates automatically when you stop the server.
- Type the following command to manually shut down the IBM Connect:Direct server: