The USER_STRUCT structure contains the User Functional Authority information. Use this structure to retrieve and set user functional authorities.


 struct User_Struct 
     TCHAR UpdateNetmap; 
     TCHAR UpdateUser; 
     TCHAR UpdateProxy; 
     TCHAR ChangeProcess; 
     TCHAR DeleteProcess; 
     TCHAR SelectProcess; 
     TCHAR SubmitProcess; 
     TCHAR SelectStats; 
     TCHAR SecureRead; 
     TCHAR SecureWrite; 
     TCHAR Stop; 
     TCHAR Trace; 
     TCHAR SelectNetmap; 
     TCHAR SelectMessage; 
     TCHAR Refresh; 
     TCHAR ProcessCopy; 
     TCHAR ProcessRunJob; 
     TCHAR ProcessRunTask; 
     TCHAR ProcessSubmit; 
     TCHAR InheritRights; 
     TCHAR TrusteeAssign; 
     TCHAR UpdateACL; 
     TCHAR FileAttributes; 
     TCHAR SNodeId; 
     TCHAR ExecutionPriority; 
     TCHAR ProcessSend; 
     TCHAR ProcessReceive; 
     TCHAR UpdateTranslation; 
     TCHAR DownloadDirectory[MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1]; 
     TCHAR UploadDirectory[MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1]; 
     TCHAR ProcessDirectory[MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1]; 
     TCHAR ProgramDirectory[MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1]; 
 typedef struct User_Struct USER_STRUCT;


Member Description
UpdateUser Specifies permission to update other user functional authority.
UpdateProxy Specifies permission to update proxy user information.
ChangeProcess Gives a user permission to issue CHANGE PROCESS.
DeleteProcess Gives a user permission to issue DELETE PROCESS.
SelectProcess Gives a user permission to issue SELECT PROCESS.
SubmitProcess Gives a user permission to issue SUBMIT PROCESS.
SelectStats Gives a user permission to issue SELECT STATISTICS.
SecureRead Gives a user permission to read Connect:Direct®Secure Plus network map fields.
SecureWrite Gives a user permission to modify Connect:Direct Secure Plus network map fields.
Stop Gives a user permission to issue the STOP Connect:Direct server command.
Trace Gives a user permission to start and stop Connect:Direct tracing.
SelectNetmap Gives a user permission to get the network map objects from the Connect:Direct server.
SelectMessage Gives a user permission to get Connect:Direct message information from the Connect:Direct server.
Refresh Gives a user permission to execute the REFRESH INITPARMS commands.
ProcessCopy Gives a user permission to issue a COPY command within a Process.
ProcessRunJob Gives a user permission to issue a RUN JOB command within a Process.
ProcessRunTask Gives a user permission to issue a RUN TASK command within a Process.
ProcessSubmit Gives a user permission to issue a SUBMIT command within a Process.
Inherit Rights The Inherit Rights flag.
TrusteeAssign The Trustee Assign flag.
UpdateACL The Update ACL flag.
FileAttributes The File Attribute flag.
SNodeId The Remote Node ID flag.
ExecutionPriority Gives a user permission to change execution priority.
ProcessSend The Process Send flag.
ProcessReceive The Process Receive flag.
UpdateTranslation Gives a user permission to update the translation table information.
DownloadDirectory [MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1] The default download directory.
UploadDirectory [MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1] The default upload directory.
ProcessDirectory [MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1 The default Process file directory.
ProgramDirectory [MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1] The default program file directory.