The Hold Queue
Processes in the Hold queue are waiting for operator intervention before they progress to the Wait queue. This queue enables operators of the local node and remote node to coordinate and control Process execution.
Processes are placed in the Hold queue by a submit command with retain=initial, retain=yes, or hold=yes parameters specified. Processes submitted with hold=call also are placed in the Hold queue. Processes are moved from the Timer queue to the Hold queue by a change process command with hold=yes specified. Additionally, Processes are moved from the Execution queue to the Hold queue by a flush process command with hold=yes specified.
Processes are moved from the Hold queue to the Execution queue by a change process command with the release parameter specified.
The following table shows the status values for the Hold queue:
Status | Comment |
HC | Held for Call indicates that the Process was submitted with hold=call specified. A session started from either node causes the Process to be moved to the Wait queue in WC status. The Process is placed in the Execution queue when the Process is selected for execution. |
HI | Held Initially indicates that the Process was submitted with hold=yes specified. The Process can be released later by a change process command with release or hold=no specified. |
HE | Held due to error specifies that a session error or other abnormal condition occurred. |
HO | Held by Operator indicates that a change process hold=yes was specified. |
HR | Held Retain indicates that the Process was submitted with retain=yes or retain=initial specified and has already executed. The Process can be released later by a change process command with release specified. |
HS | Held for Suspension indicates that the operator issued a flush process command with hold=yes specified. The Process can be released later by a change process command with release specified. |