Submit a Process That Copies a File from One UNIX Node to Another, Then to a Third UNIX Node

This example shows how to copy a file from your local node to a node in Dallas, which then copies it to a node in Tampa.

A user issues a submit command to initiate a Process.

submit file=process1

The submit statement contained within process1 specifies the Process name of process2. As a result, process2 will also be submitted.

process1    process     snode=dallas
copystep    copy  from  (file=myfile)
                  to    (dsn=yourfile
substep     submit      file=process2

The copy statement in process2 copies yourfile to the file newfile in Tampa.

process2     process     snode=tampa
copystep     copy  from  (dsn=&dsn)
                   to    (dsn=newfile

The symbolic parameter &dsn is converted in process2 to the value of yourfile, which was specified in the submit statement in process1.