Customizing the User Authorization Information File

After the user authorization information file is created, you are ready to customize the file. Use this procedure to map remote user IDs to local user IDs and create remote user information records in the user authorization information file.

After the user authorization information file is created, the following message is displayed to prompt you to create an authorization information record for a remote user:

Insert remote user record? [Y/n]
  1. Press Enter to add a remote user record.
  2. Type the login or ID of the remote user and press Enter.
  3. Type the name of the remote node and press Enter. The submitter ID and remote node name become the record name for the remote user information record.
  4. Type the local user ID where the remote user ID will be mapped and press Enter. The local user ID is the UNIX account name. This value is associated with in the remote user information record and defines the local user ID used to check security for the remote user.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To create another remote user record, press Enter and repeat steps 2-4.
    • Type n and press Enter if you do not want to create another remote user record.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • If you do not want to create a local user record, type n and press Enter.
    • To create a local user record, press Enter.
  7. Type the user ID for the local user and press Enter. This value is associated with userid in the user authorization information file.
  8. Press Enter to grant administrative authority to the local user ID. All IBM® Connect:Direct® capabilities that you specify in the local user information record are assigned to the user.

    This value is assigned to admin.auth in the local user information record.

  9. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter and repeat this procedure to create another local user record.
    • Type n and press Enter to continue to the next task.