Configuring a Sterling Connect:Direct Connect:Direct Server

To configure general, TCP/IP, SNA, and database properties for a server, use the Properties dialog box.

You must stop the Connect:Direct® Sterling Connect:Direct service before you configure properties. Stopping the service interrupts any Processes that are running.

To configure server properties:

  1. Click the server to configure.
  2. If the server is running, click the stop icon to stop the server.
  3. Select Server > Initialization Properties.
  4. Select one of the following Service Startup methods from the pull-down menu:
    • Automatic to start Connect:Direct Sterling Connect:Direct every time the system starts.
    • Manual to start Connect:Direct Sterling Connect:Direct manually.
    • Disabled to prevent Connect:Direct Sterling Connect:Directfrom being started.
  5. If necessary, change the settings on the General properties page. Refer to the following table for a description of the fields:
    Field Name Definition Valid Values

    Max API Connections

    Specifies the maximum number of concurrent client API connections permitted for the local node. It defines the maximum number of connections by different userids. API connections by a single user ID has no limit.

    A numeric value from 1–255. The default is 10.

    Max Pnode Sessions

    Specifies the maximum concurrent connections for all remote nodes where the local Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows server node is the originator of the Process.

    This field is limited to the lesser of the values defined in the initialization parameters file and the network map definition for a given node.

    A numeric value from 1–255 for the server version of Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows. The default is 1 for the server version. The workstation version is limited to 1 PNODE session.

    Max Snode Sessions

    Specifies the maximum concurrent connections, where the local Connect:Direct server node is the partner node cooperating with a remote Connect:Direct node to execute a Process.

    This field is limited to the lesser of the values defined in the initialization parameters file and the network map definition for a given node.

    A numeric value from 1–255 for the server version of Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows. The default is 1 for the server version. The workstation version of Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows is limited to 2 SNODE sessions.

    TCQ Startup

    Specifies how the Connect:Direct server program starts with respect to the TCQ.

    Warm to retain all existing Processes in the TCQ at server startup. If you select a warm start, all Processes in executing state when the server was stopped will restart when the server is restarted. Cold to delete all existing Processes in the TCQ at startup.

    TCQ Max Age

    Specifies the maximum number of days a Process with Held due to Error (HE) status remains in the TCQ before it is automatically deleted.

    A numeric value from 0–30. The default is 30 days. Connect:Direct does not automatically delete Processes when you specify 0.

    Stat Max Age

    Specifies the maximum age (in days) that statistics records are allowed to reach before the system automatically deletes them.

    A numeric value from 0–30. The default is 7 days. Connect:Direct does not automatically delete statistics records when you specify 0.

  6. Click the API tab. If necessary change the default values of API fields. Refer to the following table for a description of the fields:
    Field Name Definition Valid Values

    Enable TCP/IP API Support

    Enables TCP/IP API support.

    enabled | disabled

    API IP Address

    Specifies the IP address that the Connect:Direct Requester or user-written API programs use to establish client sessions with the Connect:Direct server.

    API Additional Addresses and Ports

    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name.  

    API Port

    Specifies the port number that the Requester or user-written API programs use to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct server.

    A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer from 0 to 65535.

    The default is 1363.

    API Additional Addresses and Ports

    Specifies additional addresses and ports that the Connect:Direct Requester or user-written API programs use to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct server. Multiple address/host names (and combinations with port numbers) can be specified in this field. The port is separated from its corresponding address/host name with a semi-colon (;), and each address/host name and port combination is separated by a comma (,). A space may be added after the comma for readability.

    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name.  

    For example,;2363, fd00:0:0:2014::7; 2364

    This is an optional field.

    Host Additional Addresses and Ports

    Specifies additional IP addresses and ports for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.

    Multiple address/host names (and combinations with port numbers) can be specified in this field. The port is separated from its corresponding address/host name with a semi-colon (;), and each address/host name and port combination is separated by a comma (,). A space may be added after the comma for readability.

    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name.  

    For example,, mdallas;1364

    This is an optional field.

    Enable Dynamic Addressing (DHCP)

    Enables dynamic addressing, so that the DHCP server will assign an IP address when it is requested for the Connect:Direct server node.

    Disabled | Enabled

  7. Click the TCP/IP tab. If necessary change the default values of TCP/IP fields. Refer to the following table for a description of the fields:
    Field Name Definition Valid Values

    Enable TCP/IP Support

    Enables TCP/IP support.

    enabled | disabled

    Host IP Address

    Specifies the IP address for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.
    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name.  

    Host Port

    Specifies the port number for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.

    A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer from 0 to 65535.

    The default is 1364.

    Host Additional Addresses and Ports

    Specifies additional IP addresses and ports for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.

    Multiple address/host names (and combinations with port numbers) can be specified in this field. The port is separated from its corresponding address/host name with a semi-colon (;), and each address/host name and port combination is separated by a comma (,). A space may be added after the comma for readability.

    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name;nnnn  

    For example,, mdallas;1364

    This is an optional field.

    Buffer Size

    Specifies the data buffer size for transmitting data to and from a remote Connect:Direct node if the value is not in the network map entry. The value entered in the Buffer Size field of the network map TCP/IP Communication Mode object overrides this value.

    A numeric value from 256–65536.

    The default is 65535.

    Enable Dynamic Addressing (DHCP)

    Enables dynamic addressing, so that the DHCP server will assign an IP address when it is requested for the Connect:Direct server node.

    Disabled | Enabled

  8. Click the UDT tab. If necessary change the default values of UDT fields. Refer to the following table for a description of the fields:
    Field Name Definition Valid Values

    Enable UDT33 Support

    Enables UDT33 support.

    enabled | disabled

    Host IP Address

    Specifies the IP address for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.
    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name.  

    Host Port

    Specifies the port number for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.

    A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer from 0 to 65535.

    The default is 1364.

    Host Additional Addresses and Ports

    Specifies additional IP addresses and ports for incoming communications from remote Connect:Direct nodes to this Connect:Direct server node.

    Multiple address/host names (and combinations with port numbers) can be specified in this field. The port is separated from its corresponding address/host name with a semi-colon (;), and each address/host name and port combination is separated by a comma (,). A space may be added after the comma for readability.

    A numeric value in the format
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
    :nnnn:nnnn:nnnn (IPv6),
    or the host name;nnnn  

    For example,, mdallas;1364

    This is an optional field.

    Buffer Size

    Specifies the data buffer size for transmitting data to and from a remote Connect:Direct node if the value is not in the network map entry. The value entered in the Buffer Size field of the network map UDT Communication Mode object overrides this value.

    A numeric value from 256–65536.

    The default is 65535.

    Enable Dynamic Addressing (DHCP)

    Enables dynamic addressing, so that the DHCP server will assign an IP address when it is requested for the Connect:Direct server node.

    Disabled | Enabled

  9. Click the SNA tab. If necessary, change SNA field values. Refer to the following table for a description of the SNA fields:
    Field Name Definition Valid Values

    Enable SNA Support

    Enables SNA support.

    Enabled or Disabled

    If SNA is activated at installation, the default value is enabled.

    Local LU Name

    Specifies the Local LU name for the Connect:Direct server node.

    Local LU Name

    If you want to monitor multiple LUs, leave this field blank. The default value is the local LU name.

  10. Click the Database tab.
  11. Click Modify Settings to invoke the Database Wizard utility. Use the utility to configure the ODBC and database environments.
  12. Select one of the following database types:
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQ
  13. If you selected Microsoft SQL server:
    1. Identify the TCQ/Stats data source in the TCQ/Stats Datasource field.
    2. Identify the data source for message in the Message Datasource field.
    3. Identify the database name in the Database Name field.
    4. To specify the SQL server, type or select the name of the SQL server or click (...) to select a network SQL server.
  14. When you validate the information, click Finish.
  15. Click Yes to build the database.
  16. Click OK.