Selecting Statistics Based on Process Name or Number

You can select statistics based on Process names or Process number.

The Process number is the number assigned by Connect:Direct® when the Process is submitted.

To select statistics based on Process name or number:

  1. Open or create a Statistics Monitor.
  2. Select Filter Using Selection Criteria Pages.
  3. Click Add.
  4. To view statistics based on Process name:
    1. Click the Process tab.
    2. Click the New icon.
    3. Type the Process name and press Enter.
    4. Continue the previous two steps until you have added all Process names to monitor.
  5. To view Statistics based on Process number:
    1. Click the New icon.
    2. Type the Process number and press Enter.
    3. Repeat this step until you have added all Process numbers to monitor.
  6. To view statistics based on a user ID:
    1. Click the Nodes tab.
    2. Click the New icon.
    3. Type the user ID or user proxy and press Enter.
    4. Repeat the previous two steps until you have added all user IDs to monitor.
  7. To view statistics based on who submitted a Process:
    1. Click the Submitter tab.
    2. Type the user ID or user proxy.
    3. Type the node on which the user is located.
    4. Click Add.
    5. Repeat the previous three steps until you have added all submitters to monitor.
  8. To view statistics based on a range of date or time:
    1. Click the Ranges tab.
    2. Activate the Date/Time Range option.
    3. Select one of the following options:
      • Range—Type the time range to monitor in hours and minutes.
      • Start and Stop—Type the beginning and ending date and time range or select the date from the calendar in the Start and the Stop fields. Type the date in the format mmm/dd/yyyy and the time in the format hh:mm:ss Xm.
      • Start Only—Type the beginning date and time range or select the date from the calendar in the Start field. Type the date in the format mmm/dd/yyyy and the time in the format hh:mm:ss Xm.
      • Stop Only—Type the ending date and time range or select the date from the calendar in the Stop field. Type the date in the format mmm/dd/yyyy and the time in the format hh:mm:ss Xm.
  9. To select statistics based on a condition code, select the condition code on which the condition is based and select a conditional operator as detailed in the following table:
    Option Description
    Conditional Code Range Delimiters To limit the statistics based on error code values, select the condition code delimiters in the first drop-down box including:
    • Equal to
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Greater than
    • Less than or equal to
    • Less than
    • Not equal to
    Conditional Code Range Error Codes To limit the statistics to selected error codes, select the error code value from this drop-down box including:
    • 0
    • 4
    • 8
    • 16
    • Any
  10. To generate statistics for specific source or destination files:
    1. Click the Files tab.
    2. Click the Add icon for the file type: either source or destination files.
    3. Type the name of the file including the full path name.
    4. Press Enter.
    5. Repeat this procedure until all files to monitor are identified.
  11. To generate statistics based on record types:
    1. Click the Records tab.
    2. Select a record category from the drop down menu for the Record Category field.
    3. Select a record from list. To remove a selection, click the item again.
    4. To select all the records, click Select All.
    5. To clear all selections, click Unselect All.
  12. To generate statistics based on user-defined records:
    1. From the Records tab, click Add in the User Defined Records dialog box.
    2. Type the first four characters of the message ID.
    3. Press Enter.
    4. Repeat the three previous steps until you have added all records you want to monitor.
  13. Click OK.