Setting Control Functions for a Command or Process

When you run a command or submit a Process, you can set many control functions to use as the default values for each new command or Process you define.

To set control functions for a Process from the Requester:

  1. Double-click the Process to open it and click the Control tab.
  2. To specify a run date, select one of the following start dates:
    • Today—If you want the program to run today.
    • Date—To specify a date to run the Process. Click the selection arrow and click a date on the calendar to specify the date.
    • Day—If want to run the Process on a certain day; then select a day of the week from the drop-down box.
  3. To specify the time to run the task, select one of the following:
    • Immediate—To run the Process immediately. This option is only available if you selected Today or Date in the Start Date field.
    • Time—To run the Process at a specific time on the start date you selected. Type a time to start the Process in the format hh:mm:ss.
  4. To place the Process in the Hold queue, select one of the following options in the Hold field:
    • Yes—To hold the Process in the queue in Held Initially status (HI) until explicitly released.
    • No—If you do not want to place the Process in the Hold queue. Process executes as resources are available.
    • Call—To hold the Process until a connection is established between the PNODE and the SNODE. The Process executes if another Process establishes connection between the nodes.
  5. To place the Process in the Retain queue, select one of the following options in the Retain field:
    • Yes—To retain the Process in the Hold queue in Hold Retain status (HR) after execution. You can release the Process later from the Process Monitor.
    • No—If you do not want to retain the Process after execution.
    • Initial—To retain the Process in the Hold queue in HR status for automatic execution every time the Process Manager initializes. Do not specify a start time with this option.
    Note: If you select Yes for RETAIN and you specify a start time, HOLD status takes precedence. If you set HOLD to No or Call, and set RETAIN to Yes, HOLD is ignored.
  6. If you are sending Processes to a location that supports CD Plexclass, type the class value of the remote node, from 1 to 8 characters, in the Plexclass field.
  7. In the CRC field, select one of the following options:
    • Blank—To use the default value for the Process that was configured in the Initparms and the Netmap entry for the remote node.
    • OFF—To turn off CRC checking.
    • ON—To turn on CRC checking.
  8. To change the TCQ priority, type a value in the Priority field from 1 to 15, where 15 is the highest priority.
  9. To change the preferred session class, type the preferred session class in the Class field, from 1 to the maximum local sessions defined in the network map.
  10. Type the user ID in the Notify Userid field.
  11. Click OK to close the dialog box or click one of the other tabs to continue modifying Process options.