Connect:Direct for VSE/ESA Process Parameters
- BUFND = number
specifies the number of I/O buffers VSAM will use for transmitting data between virtual and auxiliary storage.
A buffer is the size of a control interval in the data component. Valid values range from 1-510. The default is 2. Increasing this number generally improves the I/O performance on the file but uses more memory.
- CASE = Yes | No
specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name are case sensitive. The default is No.
- CKPT = nK | nM
specifies the byte interval for checkpoint support. This enables restart of interrupted transmissions at the last valid transmission point and reduces restart time.
K denotes thousands, and M denotes millions. A CKPT value of zero (0) stops automatic processing.
IBM® Connect:Direct® converts the value to a block boundary, and a data transmission checkpoint is taken at that position.
Checkpointing is controlled by the SNODE. IBM Connect:Direct does not support checkpoint/restart of VSAM-managed SAM files.
- CLASS = n
determines the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. If CLASS is not specified, the Process uses the class value specified in the ADJACENT.NODE NETMAP record for the destination node (SNODE). Values range from 1-255.
- COMPRESS [PRIMEchar = X’40’ | X’xx’ | C’c’ | EXTended]
specifies to compress data, reducing the amount of data transmitted during a file copy. The file is automatically decompressed at its destination.
CAUTION:Compression is CPU-intensive, and its effectiveness is data-dependent.If compression is specified, IBM Connect:Direct reduces the amount of data transmitted based on the following rules:
- Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 2-63) of the primary compression character are compressed to 1 byte.
- Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 3-63) of any other character are compressed to 2 bytes.
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.PRIMEchar specifies the primary compression character. This is the default subparameter. The default value for PRIMEchar is a blank (X’40’).
EXTended searches for repetitive strings of characters in data and compresses them to codes that are transmitted and converted back to the original string during decompression. Specify this parameter when line transmission speeds are limited, CPU is available, and data is repetitive.
The following are valid options for EXTended:
- CMPrlevel determines the compression level. The valid value range is 1-9. Level 1 is the fastest compression, but it offers the lowest degree of compression. A higher compression level produces a higher quality of compression, but the higher level has the slowest rate of compression. The default is 1.
- WINdowsize determines the size of the compression window or history buffer. This memory is above the line. The valid values are 8-15. Higher windowsize specifications increase the degree of compression and use more virtual memory. Size 8 uses 1 KB of memory where size 15 requires 128 KB of memory. The default is 13.
- MEMlevel identifies how much virtual memory to allocate to maintain the internal compression state. This memory is above the line. The valid value range is 1-9. Level 1 requires the least memory (1K), but it reduces the degree of compression. Level 9 provides the fastest speed, but it uses the most memory (256K). The default is 4.
The following example shows one way to specify the various EXTended options in a COPY statement:
- condition
specifies the type of comparison to be performed. Valid symbols, alternate symbols, and conditions are:
- = or EQ specifies that the completion code must be equal to the value nn to satisfy the condition
- <> or ¬= or NE specifies that the completion code must not equal the value nn to satisfy the condition
- >= or ¬< or GE specifies that the completion code must be greater than or equal to the value nn to satisfy the condition
- > or GT specifies that the completion code must be greater than the value nn to satisfy the condition
- <= or ¬> or LE specifies that the completion code must be less than or equal to the value nn to satisfy the condition
- < or LT specifies that the completion code must be less than the value nn to satisfy the condition
The completion code from the RUN JOB statement is from the job submission only and is not the completion code of the submitted job.
identifies the COPY statement. This statement identifier is specified with either the FROM or TO parameter.
- DCB =([model-file-name ]
[,BLKSIZE = no.-bytes ]
[,DEN = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4]
[,LRECL = no.-bytes]
[,OPTCD = W | Q | Z]
[,RECFM = record-format]
[,TRTCH = C | E | T | ET | COMP | NOCOMP]) specifies attributes used when allocating source and destination files.
For existing source and destination files, DCB attributes are determined from the operating system unless otherwise specified. For a new destination file, the source file DCB attributes are used to allocate the destination file, unless DCB information is provided in the Process.
Note: You do not have to specify a DCB parameter when the input data set is VSE/POWER. IBM Connect:Direct sends this information to the “TO” side of the Process. You can, however, specify different attributes to override the default DCB information.When you transfer data from a VSE Librarian member, in the DCB parameter, specify the DSORG of PS for BSAM libraries or VSAM for VSAM-managed libraries. IBM Connect:Direct will propagate this information.
model-file-name specifies a model data set control block (DSCB).
BLKSIZE specifies the length in bytes of the block. The minimum length is 18 bytes, and the maximum length is 32,760 bytes.
DEN specifies the magnetic tape mode setting. The following table shows values for the DEN parameter for 7- and 9-track tape. When specified together, the DEN and TRTCH values select a tape device for allocation by Connect:Direct for VSE.
DEN 7-Track Tape 9-Track Tape 0 200 bpi - 1 556 bpi - 2 800 bpi 800 bpi (NRZI). NRZI is Non-Return-to-Zero Inverted recording mode. 3 - 1600 bpi (PE). PE is Phase Encoded recording mode. 4 - 6250 bpi (GCR). GCR is Group Coded recording mode. DSORG specifies the file organization. File organizations supported are PS, VSAM, and MSAM (VSAM-managed SAM).
When copying to a VSAM-managed SAM file, in addition to including the DCB=(DSORG=MSAM) parameter, space must be allocated with the SPACE parameter.
LRECL specifies the record length in bytes.
When RECFM=V or RECFM=VB type files are used, the LRECL value must be at least the size of the largest record in the file plus 4 bytes. If RECFM=V is used, the BLKSIZE value must be at least the LRECL value plus another 4 bytes. If RECFM=V is used, the BLKSIZE value does not need to be an even multiple of LRECL.
An entry-sequenced file coming from HP NonStop to an IBM PS/VB must be specified with an LRECL 4 bytes larger than the HP NonStop file. This is specified on the TO clause of the COPY statement to account for a 4-byte-length area required on the IBM file, but not required on HP NonStop.
OPTCD specifies optional processing associated with this file. This specification only applies to this file and is not automatically applied to the other files involved in the COPY operation. Valid options include the following:
- W performs write validity checks on direct access storage devices.
- Q performs ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversion for input files and EBCDIC-to-ASCII conversion for output files. Q is the default and only used for AL-labeled tape files.
- Z performs reduced error recovery for tape files.
RECFM specifies the format of the records in the file. Any valid record format, such as F (Fixed), FB (Fixed Block), U (Undefined), V (Variable), VB (Variable Block), VS (Variable Spanned), and VBS (Variable Block Spanned), can be specified.
An OpenVMS file with a record format of undefined (U) cannot be copied to VSE.
TRTCH specifies the magnetic tape mode setting. When specified together, the TRTCH and DEN values select a tape device for allocation by Connect:Direct for VSE. Valid options are as follows:
- C specifies data conversion, odd parity, and no translation.
- E specifies no data conversion, even parity, and no translation.
- T specifies no data conversion, odd parity, and BCD or EBCDIC translation.
- ET specifies no data conversion, even parity, and BCD or EBCDIC translation.
- COMP is a feature for 3480X tape drives only. It enables Improved Data Recording Capability (IDRC), which compresses the data. COMP overrides the system-wide IDRC setting for no compression. If you are specifying COMP, you must also include a UNIT= parameter that specifies either 3480X or a systems-programmer-defined name equivalent to a 3480X tape drive.
- NOCOMP overrides the system-wide IDRC setting for compression. It applies to 3480X tape drives only.
- DSN = member-type(member) | member
specifies the name of a member in the LIBDEF source chain that contains the job to be submitted. This parameter is required.
If the member-type is not specified, this job must be catalogued with a member type of J.
All POWER JECL and JCL statements should begin in column one.
- DSN = mt (membername)
specifies the member type and member of the Process that resides in the Process library specified by the LIBDEF statement in the IBM Connect:Direct JCL. This parameter is required.
Specify mt as a single character A-Z, 0-9, $, #, or @.
membername is the name of the member in the Process library.
- DSN = ‘DLBLNAME = filename’
allocates the COPY FROM dataset by using the VSE DTF (Define The File) name rather than the data set name.
DLBLNAME is a required keyword.
filename is the 1–7 character VSE DTF name. The first and last character must be alphabetic, @, # or $ of a previously allocated file.
Encloide the parameter string in single quotes (‘DLBLNAME = filename’).
IBM Connect:Direct allocates the file-id (data set name) associated with the DLBLNAME (filename) information obtained in the VSE partition standard label area.
This parameter provides the greatest benefit for Processes submitted through DMBATCH where partition/processor independent data set names are generated using CA-DYNAM/D, CA-EPIC or BIM-EPIC.
The filename associated with the ‘DLBLNAME =filename’ parameter must reside in the same partition standard label area as the other IBM Connect:Direct DLBL statements. Prior to Process submission, the file-id (dataset name) must have been opened and allocated in a previous job or step. The file-id in the partition standard label area must contain a fully-qualified data set name (all symbolic or substitution characters in the file-id must be resolved).
specifies the end of the IF THEN or IF THEN ELSE block of statements. It is required.
designates a block of IBM Connect:Direct statements that execute when the IF THEN condition is not satisfied.
bypasses all remaining steps within a Process.
specifies the source file characteristics. This parameter is required.
specifies the status of the file and what to do with the file after successful transmission. Subparameters are:
First Subparameter specifies the status of the file prior to execution of the Process. This subparameter applies to all files. Options for this subparameter are as follows:
- OLD specifies that the source file existed before the Process began executing and the Process is given exclusive control of the file.
- SHR specifies that the source file existed before the Process began executing and that the file can be used simultaneously by another job or Process. The default is SHR.
Second Subparameter specifies the disposition of a non-VSAM file following a normal Process step termination resulting in a zero completion code. Valid dispositions are as follows:
- KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes.
- DELETE specifies that the system deletes the file after the Process step completes successfully.
- (FROM) DSN =
specifies the source data set name. This parameter is required. (DSN is optional when used with the IOEXIT parameter.)
Data set names are verified according to standard VSE data set name conventions. If the data set name does not follow VSE naming conventions, enclose the data set name in single quotation marks.
GDG data sets (controlled by Epic or DYNAM) can be copied by either the relative generation number or the absolute generation number.
Connect:Direct for VSE does not support multi-extent source data sets.
If the data set being copied from requires a password for read or the data set being copied to requires a password for write, specify the password in the COPY statement in the format datasetname/password (separate the data set name and password with a slash). For example:
COPY FROM DSN=datasetname/password...
The password is used at data set allocation. If the password is not correct, VSE issues a WTOR requesting the password when Connect:Direct for VSE software opens the data set.
moves to a specific step, defined by the label, within a Process.
- HOLD = Yes | No | Call
specifies whether the Process is placed in the Hold queue at submission.
Yes specifies that the Process is submitted to the Hold queue and remains there until the operator releases the Process. When both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value are specified, the HOLD specification takes precedence.
No specifies that the Process executes as soon as possible. This is the default.
Call specifies that the Process is placed in the Hold queue until a VTAM session is established with the specified SNODE. This session can be established by either another Process running on the PNODE or by the SNODE contacting the PNODE. For example, a Process submitted HOLD=NO establishes a session and causes execution of any Processes for this node that are designated HOLD=CALL.
specifies that IBM Connect:Direct execute a block of statements based on the completion code of a Process step. You use an EIF statement with an IF THEN statement. A return code with the high order bit on is evaluated as a negative return code.
- IOEXIT = exit-name | (exit-name[ ,parameter,...])
calls a user-written program to perform I/O requests for the associated data.
exit-name specifies the name of the user-written program to call.
parameter specifies a parameter, or list of parameters, to pass to the specified exit. See the RUN TASK parameters for the appropriate platform for parameter formats.
- label
For the IF THEN statement, the label specifies the name of a previous step whose completion code is used for comparison.
For the GOTO statement, the label specifies the name of a subsequent step in a Process. The GOTO statement requires a label. The label name cannot be the label of a preceding step nor the label of the GOTO statement of which it is a part.
Labels must begin in column one. The label consists of a 1-8 character alphanumeric string, with the first letter alphabetic only.
- LABEL = ([file-sequence-number]
,[SL | AL | BLP | LTM | NL]
,[IN | OUT]
,[RETPD = nnnn | EXPDT = yyddd | yyyyddd]) specifies label information for the tape.
file-sequence-number specifies the relative file position on the tape.
The label type is designated as follows:
- SL specifies IBM standard labels.
- AL specifies American National Standard labels.
- BLP specifies bypass label processing.
- LTM specifies bypass leading tape marks.
- NL specifies no labels.
- PASSWORD specifies that a password must be supplied by the operator or user before the data set can be accessed.
- NOPWREAD specifies that a password is not required to read the data set.
- IN specifies that a BSAM data set opened for INOUT or a BDAM data set opened for UPDAT is to be read only.
- OUT specifies that a BSAM data set opened for OUTIN or OUTINX is to be write only.
- RETPD specifies the retention period for the data set in days, where nnnn is 1-4 digits.
- EXPDT specifies the expiration date for the data set, where yyddd or yyyy/ddd is a valid Julian date.
[EXCLMEM=(generic | mem | start-range/stop-range | list)]
[EXCLSLIB=(generic | sublib | start-range/stop-range | list)]
[EXCLTYPE=(generic | type | start-range/stop-range | list)]
[SELMEM=member | generic | * | (member, [new-name], [NR | R]) | (generic,, [NR | R]) | (start-range/stop-range,, [NR | R] ) | (list)]
[SELSLIB=sublibrary | generic | * | (sublibrary, [new-name], [NR | R]) |
(generic,, [NR | R]) | (start-range/stop-range,, [NR | R]) | (list)] [SELTYPE=type | generic | * | (type, new-name) | (start-range/stop-range) | (list)] [*] ) specifies which members, sublibraries or types are selected or excluded from a copy.
EXCLMEM=(generic | mem | start-range/stop-range | list) excludes specified members from a copy.
EXCLSLIB=(generic | sublib | start-range/stop-range | list) excludes specified sublibraries from a copy.
EXCLTYPE=(generic | type | start-range/stop-range | list) excludes specified types from a copy.
All three exclusions use the following subparameters:
- generic excludes a generic member, sublibrary or type name. For example, if you specify EXCLMEM=CDM*, all member names beginning with CDM are excluded. You can override an excluded generic by specifying an individual member, sublibrary or type in the SELMEM, SELSLIB, or SELTYPE parameter.
- mem| sublib | type excludes an individual member, sublibrary or type name. You cannot override it.
- startrange specifies the first name in an alphanumeric range of members, sublibraries or types to exclude.
- stoprange specifies the last name in an alphanumeric
range of members, sublibraries or types to exclude.
Separate the startrange and stoprange parameters with a slash (/). Do not specify generic names (*) as startrange or stoprange values. The first and last members, sublibraries or types specified in the range as well as all members, sublibraries or types between are excluded.
You can override an excluded range by specifying an individual member, sublibrary or type name in the SELMEM, SELSLIB, or SELTYPE parameter.
- list excludes a list of member, sublibrary or type names.
REPLACE= YES| NOspecifies whether to replace the member with the same name in the target library or PDS.
SELMEM=member | generic | * | (member, [new-name], [NR | R]) | (generic,, [NR | R]) | (start-range/stop-range,, [NR | R] | (list) selects specified members for a copy.
SELSLIB=sublibrary | generic | * | (sublibrary, [new-name], [NR | R]) | (generic,, [NR | R]) | (start-range/stop-range,, [NR | R] | (list) selects specified sublibraries for a copy.
SELTYPE=type | generic | * | (type, new-name) | (start-range/stop-range) | (list) selects specified types for a copy.
These selections use the following subparameters:
- generic selects a generic member, sublibrary or type. For example, if CDM* is specified, all members, sublibraries or types beginning with CDM are selected for copying. You can override a generic selection by specifying an individual member, sublibrary or type in the EXCLMEM, EXCLSLIB, or EXCLTYPE parameter.
- An asterisk (*) represents a global generic. A global generic indicates that all members, sublibraries or types of the library are to be included.
- member | sublibrary | type specifies an individual member, sublibrary, or type. You can override this selection by specifying the individual member, sublibrary or type in the EXCLMEM, EXCLSLIB, or EXCLTYPE parameter.
- newname specifies a new name for the member, sublibrary or type.
- NR specifies that the member or sublibrary
does not replace an existing member or sublibrary of the same name
at the destination VSE Library or PDS. NR overrides the REPLACE and
REPLACE=YES parameters.
You cannot specify NR on SELTYPE.
Note: NR applies to the member or sublibrary. REPLACE=NO (or NOREPLACE) applies to an entire VSE Library or PDS.- R specifies that the member or sublibrary
replace an existing member or sublibrary at the destination VSE Library
or PDS. R overrides the REPLACE=NO or NOREPLACE parameter.
You cannot specify R on SELTYPE.
When you use R with the NEWNAME subparameter, the replacement applies to the new file name and not to the original name. When you use R with a generic name or with a range, R applies to all members selected for that criteria.
When you specify a generic and NR or R, the second positional parameter (NEWNAME) must be null.
- startrange specifies the first name in an alphanumeric range of members, sublibraries or types to select.
- stoprange specifies the last name in an alphanumeric
range of members, sublibraries or types to select.
Separate the startrange and stoprange parameters with a slash (/). Do not specify generic names (*) as startrange or stoprange values. The first and last members, sublibraries or types specified in the range as well as all members, sublibraries or types between are selected.
You can override an selected range by specifying an individual member, sublibrary or type name in the EXCLMEM, EXCLSLIB, or SEXCLTYPE parameter.
- list specifies a list of selected members.
- (TO) LIBR=(
[SUBLIB=sublibrary]v [TYPE=type] [*] ) specifies how the copied members are catalogued.
DATA= NO| YESspecifies if the DATA=YES flag is set on catalogued members. This flag only applies to type PROC members. Default value is NO.
LOCKID=lockid specifies whether to lock catalogued members with the specified lock ID. If not specified, the members are not locked, unless the source member is also a VSE Library member and it was originally locked.
MSHP NO| YES | OVERRIDEspecifies if catalogues members are flagged as under MSHP control. MSHP=OVERRIDE specifies that the members are flagged as under MSHP control and have the MSHP Bypass flag turned on. If the source member is from a VSE Library, the flags on the source member are copied to the new member. Default value is NO.
REPLACE= YES| NO specifies whether the existing member should be replaced in the target VSE Library. Default value is YES.
RESETLOCK= NO| YESspecifies to replace an existing VSE Library even if it contains locked members. Default value is NO.
REUSE= AUTOMATIC| IMMEDIATE specifies the space attribute is set when a sublibrary is defined. Default value is AUTOMATIC.
SLIBDISP= SHR| OLD | NEW | RPL | MODspecifies the disposition of the sublibrary for the member being cataloged. Specify SLIBDISP=RPL to define the sublibrary as empty even if it currently exists. Specify SLIBDISP=MOD to define the sublibrary only if it does not currently exist and you do not want the current members deleted if the sublibrary does exist. Default value is SHR.
SUBLIB=sublibrary specifies the target sublibrary for the members being cataloged. This parameter is required when the source is not a VSE Library.
TYPE=type specifies the target member type for the members being cataloged. This parameter is required when the source is not a VSE Library.
* specifies to take the Connect:Direct for VSE Library defaults from the source VSE Library members. This parameter is only valid when the source is from a VSE Library.
- (FROM) LST=( [CLASS=class] [DISP=D | K | H | L] [PWD=password] )
specifies how the LST queue entry is handled after processing.
CLASS=class specifies the class (A-Z, 0-9) of the LST or PUN queue entry to be accessed. This parameter is required.
DISP=D | K | H | L specifies the disposition when the LST or PUN queue entry is processed.
Specifying DISP= overrides the actual disposition of the LST or PUN queue entry. When the copy is complete, the queue entry will be deleted if DISP=D is specified. If DISP=K is specified, the disposition will be changed to L. Specifying DISP=H | L causes the disposition to be set to H | L after the queue entry is processed.
PWD=password specifies the password of the queue entry. If PWD= is not specified, Connect:Direct for VSE uses binary zeros for the password unless overridden at initialization time by the POWER.MPWD parameter.
- (TO) LST=( [BANNER=(literal1=name1, literal2=name2,...)]
[CC=M | ASA | (NOCC,[TOF=1 | char | x’xx’], [LINECT=55 | nn])]
[CHARS=(tablename, tablename)]
[CONTROL=program single double triple]
[DEST=nodename (nodename,userid)]
[DISP=D | K | H | L]
[FLASH=(overlay-name, count)]
[UCS=character-set-name (character-set-name,FC)]
[WRITER=writer-name] ) specifies how the LST queue entry is printed.
For more detailed explanation of the following parameters, see the IBM VSE/POWER Administration and Operation Manual.
BANNER=(literal1=value1, literal2=value2,...) specifies to print a IBM Connect:Direct banner page at the beginning of the LST queue entry. Banner lines are specified as literal=value. The literal is 1-25 characters and the value is 1-30 characters. Literals or values that exceed the maximum length are truncated. Both can be either literal or symbolic parameters.
The following example prints a banner page with three lines of user supplied information:
The banner page generated would look like the following:
******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** **** PROGRAMMER JOHN DOE **** **** JOBNAME JOBNAME1 **** **** SUBMITTER JDOE1 **** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ******************** ******************* C O N N E C T : D I R E C T ********************
BLDG=building specifies the building identification for this LST or PUN queue entry.
BURST=YES | NO specifies the 3800 specification for the burster/trimmer/stacker for this LST queue entry.
CC= M| ASA | (NOCC[,TOF=1 | char | x’xx’], [LINECT=55 | nn])specifies the type of control characters provided with the data. If NOCC is specified, the data is placed in the VSE/POWER LST or PUN queue with ASA control characters, specifying the TOF= character every LINECT= lines of data. Default value of CC is M. Default value of TOF is 1. Default value of LINECT is 55.
CHARS=(tablename,tablename) specifies the 3800 character arrangement table names.
CICSDATA=CICS-data specifies the installation CICS data. This is normally used for resource level checking by the Report Controller Feature of CICS/VSE.
CKPTLINE=nnnnn CKPTPAGE=nnnnn CKPTSEC=nnnnn specify the z/OS checkpoint information. VSE/POWER does not use this data, but if the LST or PUN queue entry will be transmitted to JES2 or JES3 via PNET, then you can specify the values to be passed to JES2 or JES3. The values are documented in the z/OS JCL manual.
CLASS=class specifies the class of the LST or PUN queue entry. Valid classes are A-Z, 0-9.
COMPACT=compaction-table-name specifies the name of the compaction table to be used if the LST or PUN queue entry is sent by VSE/POWER RJE to an RJE terminal.
CONTROL=program single double triple specifies the z/OS control information. The specification is not used by VSE/POWER, but can be specified if the LST or PUN queue entry will be transmitted to JES2 or JES3 via PNET. The parameter is documented in the z/OS JCL manual.
COPIES=nnn | COPY=nnn specifies the number of copies to print or punch for the LST or PUN queue entry
DEFAULT=YES | NO specifies whether or not the 3800 default values are used from the installation SETDF.
DEPT=‘department-identification’ specifies the department identification for the LST or PUN queue entry.
DEST=nodename (nodename, userid) specifies the node name and user ID to associated with this LST or PUN queue entry. Specifying the node name places the LST or PUN queue entry in the XMT queue.
DFLT=YES | NO specifies whether or not the 3800 default values will be used from the installation SETDF.
DISP=D | K | H | L specifies the VSE/POWER disposition used for the LST or PUN queue entry.
DIST=distribution specifies distribution code for the LST or PUN queue entry. This information is printed by VSE/POWER on the VSE/POWER separator page. FCB=fcb-name specifies the name of the FCB phase used when the LST queue entry is physically printed.
FLASH=(overlay-name,count) specifies the 3800 printer flash overlay name and the number of pages flashed.
FORMDEF=membername specifies the PSF form definition member name for the LST queue entry.
FORMS=form-name | FNO=form-name specifies the forms name for the LST or PUN queue entry.
HOLD=YES | NO specifies the VSE/POWER disposition for the LST or PUN queue entry. This keyword is provided for compatibility with z/OS. JSEP=nnnnn specifies the number of separator pages/cards that should be produced by VSE/POWER when the LST or PUN queue entry is physically output to the printer or card punch.
MODIFY=module-name specifies the set of predefined data printed on each page for the 3800 LST queue entry.
PAGEDEF=membername specifies the PSF page definition for the LST queue entry.
PRI=n specifies the priority for the LST or PUN queue entry. Valid VSE/POWER priorities are 0-9.
PRMODE=process-mode specifies the printer processing mode. VSE/POWER does not use this value, but it can be specified if the LST queue entry is to be transmitted through PNET to JES2 or JES3.
PROGR=‘programmer-name’ specifies the programmer name for the LST or PUN queue entry.
PRTY=n specifies the priority for the LST or PUN queue entry. Valid VSE/POWER priorities are 0-9.
PWD=password specifies the password associated with the LST or PUN queue entry. If not specified, the master password (or binary zeros) will be used as the password.
ROOM=‘room-identification’ specifies the room identification for the LST or PUN queue entry.
SUBNAME=submitter’s-name specifies the submitter’s name for the LST or PUN queue entry. If not specified, then ‘SCDIRECT’ is used as the submitter’s name.
SYSID=n specifies the system id for a VSE/POWER Shared Spool environment for this LST or PUN queue entry.
THRESHLD=nnnnnnnn specifies the threshold value. This value is not used by VSE/POWER but can be specified if the LST or PUN queue entry it to be transmitted to JES2 or JES3 via PNET.
TRC=YES | NO specifies whether or not translate reference characters are present in the data. This is for 3800 print output only.
UCS=character-set-name (character-set-name,FC) specifies the name of the UCS buffer and optionally whether FOLD and block data-check should be specified.
USER=‘user-data-description’ specifies up to 16-bytes of user data for the LST or PUN queue entry.
USERID=userid specifies the user ID associated with this LST or PUN queue entry. Specifying the node name places the LST or PUN queue entry in the XMT queue.
WRITER=writer-name specifies the writer name for the LST or PUN queue entry. VSE/POWER does not use the write name, but it can be specified if the LST or PUN queue entry is to be transmitted to JES or JES3 through PNET.
- NEWNAME = new-name
specifies a new name for the Process. The default value is the label on the PROCESS statement.
- nn
specifies the numeric value used for completion code checking. If specified as X‘nn’, it is a hexadecimal value. Any other specification indicates a decimal.
Typically, if a completion code less than 4 is returned, the Process completed successfully. In most cases, a return code greater than 4 indicates the Process ended in error. A return code equaling 4 indicates a warning.
- %NUM1 = process-submit-time
specifies unique temporary data set names in the DSN parameter of the COPY TO statement. The variable is resolved as the Process submission time in a six-digit numeric-value format (minutes, seconds, fraction of seconds). Precede the %NUM1 value with an alphabetic character.
- PACCT = ‘pnode-accounting-data’
specifies the accounting data for the primary node (PNODE). The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains special characters. This data overrides any accounting data specified on the SIGNON command and can be used by a user-written program or statistics exit.
- PARM = (parameter [, parameter,...])
specifies the parameters passed to the subtask when the subtask is attached. These are the actual parameters rather than a list of addresses. Specify null parameters by adjacent commas.
The parameter list format is a 2-byte field, indicating the length of the parameter, followed by the parameter itself. The valid data types for the PARM parameter are:
CLn’value’ specifies a character data type with a length of n bytes. The length is optional. If a length is not specified, the actual length of the value is used. If you specify a length less than the actual value length, the data is truncated. If you specify a length longer than the actual value length, the value is padded with blanks on the right.
For example, CL44’FILE.NAME’
XLn’value’ specifies a hexadecimal data type with a length of n bytes. The length is optional. If a length is not specified, the actual length of the value is used. If you specify a length less than the actual value length, the data is truncated. If you specify a length longer than the actual value length, the value is padded on the left with binary zeros.
For example, XL8’FF00’
H’value’ specifies a half-word value. You cannot specify a length. Specify the value with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is specified, plus is assumed.
For example, H’-32’
F’value’ specifies a full-word value. You cannot specify a length. Specify the value with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is given, plus is assumed.
For example, F’4096’
PLn’value’ specifies a packed value with a length of n bytes. The length is optional, but cannot be longer than 16 bytes. If the length is not specified, the actual length of the value is used. If the length specified is longer than the actual value length, the value is padded on the left with zeros.
You can specify the value with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is given, plus is assumed.
For example, PL10’+512’
If you do not specify a data type or length, the character data type is assumed and the length of the parameter name is used. For example, if PARM=(’FILE.NAME’) is specified, the length used is 9.
You can also specify the parameter as a symbolic value that is resolved when the Process is submitted. Do not specify a data type or length if you use a symbol. For example, &PARM1
When using strings comprised of symbolic substitution, enclose the strings in double quotes. If an ampersand (&) is passed as part of the parameter, use the data-type format. For example, CL8’&PARM1’ uses no substitution; CL8"&PARM1" indicates that the value is substituted.
The following example shows how parameters are passed. This example runs the program named MYTASK. It attaches to the Process on the SNODE and is passed a list of three parameter addresses.
The following figure shows the parameter passing convention for MYTASK. Register 1 points to a parameter list of three parameters. It would contain 0 if no parameters were specified. IBM Connect:Direct sets the high-order bit in PARM 3 ADDR to indicate the end of the PARM list.
- PGM = program-name
specifies the name of the program to be attached as a subtask. This parameter is required. The program runs on the node specified and has access to the DLBL cards allocated on that node only.
On a Copy statement, specifies the primary node. When you specify PNODE with the COPY FROM parameter, a send takes place. When you specify PNODE with the COPY TO parameter, a receive takes place.
PNODE is the default for the FROM parameter.
On the Run Job statement, specifies that the job is to be submitted on the primary node.
On a Run Task, specifies that the program is executed on the PNODE.
- PNODE = primary-node-name
specifies a 1-16 character alphanumeric name that declares the primary node (PNODE) to be used in this Process. The name can be expressed in alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $), with embedded periods.
The Process is always submitted is the PNODE. This parameter defaults to the name of the node submitting the Process and does not have to be specified. It is used for documentation purposes only.
- PNODEID = (id [,pswd ] [,newpswd])
specifies security user IDs and passwords at the primary node (PNODE). This parameter should only be used to validate security with an ID different from the one used to sign on to IBM Connect:Direct.
id specifies the security ID passed to the security system at the PNODE (1-8 alphanumeric characters).
pswd specifies the 1-8 alphanumeric character password for the specified ID. This parameter can be validated by the security system at the PNODE. This parameter is optional, unless the user’s security requires a password.
newpswd specifies a new 1-8 alphanumeric character password. It can be used by the security system to change the current security password to the new security password.
- PROCess
identifies the PROCESS statement. You can abbreviate the statement identifier to PROC.
- process name
specifies the 1-8 character name of the Process. The first character must be alphabetic and must start in column one. The PROCESS keyword must be on the same line as the Process name.
This label identifies the Process in any messages or statistics.
- PRTY = n
specifies the Process priority in the Transmission Control Queue (TCQ). The TCQ holds all Processes submitted to IBM Connect:Direct. The higher the number, the higher the priority.
This priority is used only for Process selection within class and does not affect VTAM transmission priority. The range is from 0-15. If PRTY is not specified, the default is the priority defined by the PRTYDEF keyword in the IBM Connect:Direct initialization parameters.
- (FROM) PUN=(
[DISP=D | K | H | L]
[PWD=password] ) specifies how the PUN queue entry is handled after processing.
CLASS=class specifies the class (A-Z, 0-9) of the LST or PUN queue entry to be accessed. This parameter is required.
DISP=D | K | H | L specifies how you want the disposition that is to be assumed when the LST or PUN queue entry is processed. Specifying DISP= overrides the actual disposition of the LST or PUN queue entry. When the copy is complete, the queue entry will be deleted if DISP=D is specified. If DISP=K is specified, the disposition will be changed to L. Specifying DISP=H | L causes the disposition to be set to H | L after the queue entry is processed.
PWD=password specifies the password of the queue entry. If PWD= is not specified, Connect:Direct for VSE uses binary zeros for the password unless overridden at initialization time by the POWER.MPWD parameter.
- (TO) PUN=(
[DEST=nodename (nodename,userid) ]
[DISP=D | K | H | L]
) specifies how the PUN queue entry is processed.
For more detailed explanation of the following parameters, see the IBM VSE/POWER Administration and Operation Manual.
BLDG=building specifies the building identification for this LST or PUN queue entry.
CC=M| ASA | NOCC specifies the type of control characters provided with the data. If NOCC is specified, the data is placed in the VSE/POWER LST or PUN queue with ASA control characters. Default value of cc is M.
CICSDATA=CICS-data specifies the installation CICS data. This is normally used for resource level checking by the Report Controller Feature of CICS/VSE.
CKPTLINE=nnnnn CKPTPAGE=nnnnn CKPTSEC=nnnnn specifies the z/OS checkpoint information. VSE/POWER does not use this data, but if the LST or PUN queue entry will be transmitted to JES2 or JES3 via PNET, then you may specify the values to be passed to JES2 or JES3. The values are documented in the z/OS JCL manual.
CLASS=class specifies the class of the LST or PUN queue entry. Valid classes are A-Z, 0-9.
CONTROL=program single double triple specifies the z/OS control information. The specification is not used by VSE/POWER, but can be specified if the LST or PUN queue entry will be transmitted to JES2 or JES3 via PNET. The parameter is documented in the z/OS JCL manual.
COPIES=nnn | COPY=nnn specifies the number of copies to be printed or punched for the LST or PUN queue entry.
DEPT=‘department-identification’ specifies the department identification for the LST or PUN queue entry.
DEST=nodename (nodename,userid) specifies the nodename and/or the user ID to be associated with this LST or PUN queue entry. Specifying the nodename causes the LST or PUN queue entry to be placed in the XMT queue.
DISP=D | K | H | L specifies the VSE/POWER disposition that will be used for the LST or PUN queue entry.
DIST=distribution specifies distribution code for the LST or PUN queue entry. This information is printed by VSE/POWER on the VSE/POWER separator page.
FORMS=form-name FNO=form-name specifies the forms name for the LST or PUN queue entry. .
HOLD=YES | NO specifies the VSE/POWER disposition for the LST or PUN queue entry. This keyword is provided for compatibility with z/OS. See DISP= keyword to specify all VSE/POWER dispositions.
JSEP=nnnnn specifies the number of separator pages/cards that should be produced by VSE/POWER when the LST or PUN queue entry is physically output to the printer or card punch.
PRI=n specifies the priority for the LST or PUN queue entry. Valid VSE/POWER priorities are 0-9.
PRMODE=process-mode specifies the printer processing mode. VSE/POWER does not use this value, but it can be specified if the LST queue entry is to be transmitted via PNET to JES2 or JES3.
PROGR=‘programmer-name’ specifies the programmer name for the LST or PUN queue entry.
PRTY=n specifies the priority for the LST or PUN queue entry. Valid VSE/POWER priorities are 0-9.
PWD=password specifies the password associated with the LST or PUN queue entry. If not specified, the master password (or binary zeros) is used as the password. See the VSE/POWER LST or PUN statement.
ROOM=‘room-identification’ specifies the room identification for the LST or PUN queue entry.
SUBNAME=submitter’s-name specifies the submitter’s name for the LST or PUN queue entry. If not specified, then ‘SCDIRECT’ is used as the submitter’s name.
SYSID=n specifies the system ID for a VSE/POWER Shared Spool environment for this LST or PUN queue entry.
THRESHLD=nnnnnnnn specifies the threshold value. This value is not used by VSE/POWER but can be specified if the LST or PUN queue entry it to be transmitted to JES2 or JES3 via PNET.
USER=‘user-data-description’ specifies up to 16-bytes of user data for the LST or PUN queue entry.
USERID=userid specifies the user ID associated with this LST or PUN queue entry. .
WRITER=writer-name specifies the writer name for the LST or PUN queue entry. VSE/POWER does not use the write name, but it can be specified if the LST or PUN queue entry is to be transmitted to JES or JES3 via PNET.
- REQUEUE = Yes | No
specifies whether a COPY step should requeue if an x37 abend occurs during processing. This parameter is valid only if used when checkpointing.
Yes places the requeued Process in the Hold queue with a status of HELD IN ERROR (HE). After you take corrective action, the Process will restart with the failing step. Checkpointing resumes at the last successful checkpoint. You must explicitly release the Process from the Hold queue when the status is HELD IN ERROR (HE).
No allows a Process to run to completion, even if a COPY step fails with an abend. This is the default.
- RETAIN = Yes | No | Initial
keeps a copy of the Process in the Hold queue after the Process executes.
Yes keeps the Process in the Hold queue after initial execution. You must then do one of the following:
- Manually release the Process through the CHANGE PROCESS command to execute it
- Delete the Process through the DELETE PROCESS command
- Specify the STARTT parameter to release the Process again at
a specified interval. Using RETAIN=YES with STARTT will run a Process
repeatedly at a given interval. However, a date is invalid as a STARTT
subparameter when used in conjunction with RETAIN.
When a Process is submitted with RETAIN=YES and HOLD=NO or CALL, the HOLD parameter is ignored.
No specifies that the system deletes the Process after execution. This is the default value.
Initial specifies that the Process executes every time IBM Connect:Direct is initialized. The Process will not execute when initially submitted. Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL.
identifies the RUN JOB statement.
identifies the RUN TASK statement.
- SACCT = ‘snode-accounting-data’
specifies the accounting data for the SNODE. The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains special characters. This data overrides any accounting data specified on the SIGNON command and can be used by a user-written program or statistics exit.
This parameter is ignored when the SNODE is a Connect:Direct for i5/OS node.
On a Copy statement, specifies the secondary node. When you specify SNODE with the COPY FROM parameter, a receive takes place. When you specify SNODE with the COPY TO parameter, a send takes place.
On a Run Job statement, specifies that the job is submitted on the secondary node.
On a Run Task statement, specifies that the subtask is attached on the SNODE. The program must exist as an executable module in the LIBDEF PHASE chain on the specified node.
- SNODE = secondary-node
SNODE = TCPNAME = tcpvalue is a 1-16 character alphanumeric name that specifies the secondary node (SNODE) used in the Process. The name can be alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $) with embedded periods. This parameter is required for the PROCESS statement, unless it is specified in the SUBMIT statement.
This is the logical node name that has been defined in the ADJACENT.NODE entry for that node in the network map.
When used in the SUBMIT statement, this parameter overrides the value specified in the PROCESS statement. The default value for SNODE is the value specified in the PROCESS statement.
Use TCPNAME=tcpvalue to specify TCP/IP connections that are not defined in the IBM Connect:Direct Network Map. tcpvalue specifies the TCP/IP network address, the network name, or an alias for the network name. The tcpvalue can be from 1 to 16 characters with embedded periods. If the network name is longer than 16 characters, you must specify an alias for the network name.
When you use the TCPNAME keyword, the default TCP/IP port number is assumed.
- SNODEID = (id [,pswd ] [,newpswd])
specifies security user IDs and passwords at the SNODE.
For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, if the Process submitter’s SNODEID and password is not specified in the PROCESS statement, the Process submitter’s user ID and password is used for the Connect:Direct for i5/OS security ID and password check.
id specifies the 1-8 character security ID passed to the security system on the SNODE.
For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, this subparameter specifies the HP NonStop group number and user number. These numbers can range from 0-255. Use a period as a separator between the group number and the user number.
For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, this subparameter specifies the i5/OS user profile used for authorization checks during Process execution. It is limited to 8 characters even though i5/OS user profiles may be 10 characters long.
pswd specifies the current 1-8 character security password and can be used by the SNODE security system to validate the security password. This is optional unless the user’s security requires a password.
For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, the VM node only recognizes passwords specified in uppercase alphanumeric characters. A Process cannot be successfully initiated from Connect:Direct for VM/ESA with Connect:Direct for HP NonStop unless the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop SNODEID password only contains uppercase alphanumeric characters (no control characters).
newpswd specifies the new 1-8 alphanumeric security password and can be used by the security system to change the current password to a new password.
For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, SAFEGUARD must be running on HP NonStop.
For Connect:Direct for i5/OS,this subparameter is ignored.
- SPACE=[(start-track | start-block | , (allocation))]
[(trigger-key, (allocation))]
[(record-size, (primary-allocation,secondary-allocation))] specifies the amount of DASD storage allocated for new files on the destination node. You must specify SPACE for all new non-VSAM (ESDS, KSDS, or RRDS) explicitly defined files, unless you specified a typekey record that includes a SPACE parameter.
The SPACE parameter has different formats for noncontrolled BSAM files, START TRACK-1 controlled BSAM data sets, and VSAM-managed SAM (MSAM) files.
For noncontrolled BSAM files:
- start-track designates the file’s starting track number on a CKD or ECKD disk device.
- start-block designates the file’s starting block number when allocating on a FBA disk device.
- allocation specifies the primary allocation of storage, either in tracks or blocks.
For CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC controlled files:
- trigger-key designates the start-track number trigger that is defined in your system catalog. In most cases this value is 1.
- allocation specifies the primary allocation
of storage in either tracks or blocks.
When you use a disk management system such as CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC and you specify an allocation trigger value, specify the UNIT=DNOASGN in your Process.
When these parameters are specified, CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC perform both primary and optional secondary data set extent allocation for IBM Connect:Direct and the output data set.
For VSAM Managed SAM (MSAM) files:
- record-size specifies the logical record length of the output data set record.
- primary-allocation specifies the initial amount of records that are to be initially allocated to the data set.
- secondary-allocation specifies the secondary
amount of records to be allocated in extents 2 - 15.
Connect:Direct for VSE performs this allocation only for VSAM-managed SAM (MSAM) files. VSAM performs this allocation for VSAM-controlled data sets (ESDS, KSDS or RRDS) if the DEFINE CLUSTER specified a secondary extent allocation amount. CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC will perform this allocation if secondary allocation is specified for that data set in the respective system catalog.
- STARTT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM])
specifies that the Process will be executed at a selected date or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If the date or day is not specified, a comma must precede the time.
Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL.
If you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value in a Process, the HOLD specification takes precedence, and the Process is placed in the Hold queue.
date specifies that the Process starts on a specific date. Depending on the value of the DATEFORM initialization parameter, you can specify the date in one of the following formats:
DATEFORM Value Formats DATEFORM=MDY (default) mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy mm.dd.yy mm.dd.yyyy DATEFORM=DMY dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy DATEFORM=YMD yy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd DATEFORM=YDM yy/dd/mm yyyy/dd/mm You can use periods or slashes (/) to separate the components of a date value. You can omit the period or slash separators for transfers between mainframe nodes.
If you only specify a date, the time defaults to 00:00.
If you specify RETAIN=YES, you cannot specify a date in the STARTT parameter.
Valid Julian date formats are yyddd, yyyyddd, yy/ddd, yyyy/ddd, yy.ddd, or yyyy.ddd.
day specifies the day of the week to release the Process for execution. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday. You can abbreviate the day value to the first two characters.
If the day of the week is specified with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes the same day every week. If only day is specified, the time defaults to 00:00. Therefore, if a Process is submitted on Monday, with Monday as the only STARTT parameter, the Process does not run until the following Monday.
You can also specify TODAY, which releases the Process for execution the day and time of Process submission (unless the time of day is specified), or TOMORROW, which releases the Process for execution the next day.
hh:mm:ssXM indicates the time of day the Process will be released in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). XM can be set to AM or PM.
You can specify the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00. If you do not use AM and PM, the 24-hour clock is assumed.
If you use the 12-hour clock, 01:00:00 hours can be expressed as 1:00AM, and 13:00 hours can be expressed as 1:00PM.
If you specify hh:mm:ssXM with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes at the same time every day. You do not need to specify minutes and seconds.
You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT to release the Process for execution at midnight.
- stepname
specifies the user=defined name of the Copy, Run Job, Run Task, or Submit step.
Stepnames must begin in column one. Stepnames are 1-8 character alphanumeric strings. The first character must be alphabetic.
identifies the SUBMIT statement.
specifies the node where the Process defined in a SUBMIT statement will execute. PNODE indicates that the Process is submitted on the node with Process control. SNODE indicates that the Process is submitted on the node participating in, but not controlling, Process execution. In both cases, the Process must reside on the node where it is submitted. The default is PNODE.
SUBNODE=SNODE is not valid if communicating with a Connect:Direct for i5/OS node.
identifies the SYMBOL statement.
- &symbolic_name = variable string
specifies a string that is substituted into the Process. This parameter is required. The symbolic name can be 1-17 alphanumeric characters.
When IBM Connect:Direct encounters a &symbolic name, IBM Connect:Direct substitutes the specified string.
Symbols in the string are resolved from previously specified values in a PROCESS, SUBMIT, or SYMBOL statement. With the SYMBOL statement, different pieces of a IBM Connect:Direct statement string can be concatenated, allowing you to move data in many ways.
Specify a null value by =, (an equal sign immediately followed by a comma). Enclose symbolic parameters strings containing special characters in single quotation marks.
- &symbolic_name_1 = variable-string-1
&symbolic_name_2 = variable-string-2
&symbolic_name_n = variable-string-n specifies the default value for a symbolic parameter in the Process. You can override this value in the SUBMIT command.
Enclose a symbolic parameter string containing special characters in single quotation marks. Specify a null value by the equal sign (=) immediately followed by a comma.
The symbolic parameter for the SUBMIT statement must begin with a single ampersand. This allows correct symbolic parameters resolution.
An ampersand symbolic parameter can be set to a single ampersand symbolic parameter that was resolved during the first Process submission.
Do not use identical symbolic names.
- SYSOPTS = “DBCS=(tablename,so,si,PAD | PAD=pc)” “parameter1[,parameter2...]”
specifies system operation parameters.
DBCS=(tablename,so,si,PAD | PAD=pc) invokes the double-byte character set (DBCS) translation facility. File transfer with double-byte character set is not supported in block mode.
Note: Block mode transfers can produce unpredictable results in the destination file. These results can compromise data integrity. You will not receive an error message in these situations.- tablename is the name of the requested DBCS
translation table. The tablename is required with DBCS. If you only
specify tablename, you do not need to enclose
the parameters in parentheses.
IBM Connect:Direct provides the following tables:
- EBCXKSC translates data from host EBCDIC to ASCII KS5601.
- KSCXEBC translates data from ASCII KS5601 to host EBCDIC.
- EBCXKPC translates data from host EBCDIC to DBCS-PC Korean.
- KPCXEBC translates data from DBCS-PC Korean to host EBCDIC.
- NHCXBG5 translates data from Chinese new host code to Chinese Big5.
- BG5XNHC translates data from Chinese Big5 to Chinese new host code.
- NHCXC55 translates data from Chinese new host code to Chinese 5550.
- C55XNHC translates data from Chinese 5550 to Chinese new host code.
- so is the SHIFT-OUT character denoting a shift from single-byte character set (SBCS) to double-byte character set (DBCS) mode. The default is the IBM standard x’0E’.
- si is the SHIFT-IN character denoting a shift
from DBCS to SBCS mode. The default is the IBM standard x’0F’.
NOSO indicates no shift-out or shift-in character and is specified by the use of x’00’ for the SO and SI characters. NOSO is used when the data is not in mixed form and is assumed to contain all DBCS characters.
- PAD | PAD=pc specifies that padding characters are in use. When DBCS data is translated from EBCDIC to ASCII, PAD specifies that the SHIFT-OUT and SHIFT-IN characters will be replaced by a pad character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.
- When DBCS data is translated from ASCII to EBCDIC, PAD specifies that the input ASCII DBCS file is in a padded format. The character immediately preceding a DBCS character or string will be overlaid by the SHIFT-OUT character. The character immediately following a DBCS character or string will be overlaid with the SHIFT-IN character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.
- pc is the pad character to be used during EBCDIC to ASCII translation. pc is ignored for ASCII to EBCDIC translations. The default value for pc is x’00’.
parameter1[,parameter2...] is used in conjunction with the IOEXIT parameter. It specifies the parameters to be passed to the I/O exit for copies from a non-370 node to a Connect:Direct for VSE node.
- tablename is the name of the requested DBCS
translation table. The tablename is required with DBCS. If you only
specify tablename, you do not need to enclose
the parameters in parentheses.
- TO
specifies the destination file characteristics. This parameter is required.
- (TO) DISP = ([NEW | OLD | RPL | SHR] [,KEEP | CATLG])
specifies the status of the file on the destination node. Subparameters are:
First Subparameter specifies the status of the file before the Process executes. Only the OLD and RPL dispositions apply to VSAM files. Options for this subparameter are:
- NEW specifies that the Process step will create the destination file. This is the default.
- OLD specifies that the destination file already exists. The Process will have exclusive control of the file. If DISP=OLD, the destination file can be a VSAM or a SAM file.
- RPL specifies that the destination file will replace any existing file, or, if none exists, will allocate a new file. DISP=RPL can be specified for SAM or VSAM files. If the file is VSAM, it must be defined with the REUSE attribute, which specifies that the file can be opened and reset to the beginning.
- SHR specifies that the destination file already exists. The file can be used simultaneously by another job or Process.
Second Subparameter specifies the normal termination disposition, but does not apply to VSAM files. Valid destination file dispositions are as follows:
- KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes. If DISP=(NEW,KEEP), a volume serial number also must be specified.
- CATLG specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes and that an entry gets placed in the catalog. Catalog is the default.
- (TO) DSN =
specifies the destination data set name. This parameter is required. (DSN is optional when used with the IOEXIT parameter.)
If the data set name does not follow VSE naming conventions, enclose the data set name in single quotation marks.
If the data set being copied from requires a password for read or the data set being copied to requires a password for write, specify the password in the COPY statement in the format datasetname/password (separate the data set name and password with a slash). For example:
COPY TO DSN=datasetname/password...
The password is used at data set allocation. If the password is not correct, VSE issues a WTOR requesting the password when Connect:Direct for VSE software opens the data set.
specifies the subsequent processing to perform if the specified condition is met.
- TYPE = typekey
specifies the entry name of the type defaults file. This file contains the default file attributes to allocate the destination file. This typekey is specified only when defaults are requested by the user.
For VSE to OpenVMS copies, if the typekey exceeds eight characters, you must enter the typekey in the SYSOPTS parameter on the TO clause of the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS COPY statement.
For OpenVMS to VSE copies, the typekey cannot exceed eight characters.
- UNIT=([ group-name | device-type | unit-address | DLBLONLY | DNOASGN | TNOASGN])
specifies the group-name, device-type, or unit-address where the file resides or will reside. For BSAM-to-BSAM copies where the destination file is NEW and the UNIT parameter is not specified on the TO parameter, the device type from the source (FROM) is used.
Without Disk or Tape Management System
If you are not using a supported disk or tape management system, specify the UNIT parameter to meet the amount of flexibility and device independence that you require.
UNIT=group-name specifies the input or output device for your Processes.
See the following table to select the supported IBM Connect:Direct group-name for the input or output device on your Processes. For device independence and greatest flexibility, specify UNIT=group-name in your Processes.
UNIT=device-type specifies the type of device for your Processes.
See the following table to select an appropriate VSE device type. If you do not find your specific device-type, replace the device-type with the appropriate group-name. For example, if you are creating output files on a 93xx FBA device, specify UNIT=FBA on your Process statement.
UNIT=unit-address specifies the address of the specific device.
If you require that a data set be allocated on a specific device every time the Process is executed, specify UNIT=CUU in your Process and replace the CUU with the device Channel/Unit address.
Group-Name Device-Type DISK 2311 2314
CKD 2311 2314
ECKD 3380 3390
FBA 3370 CART 3480 TAPE 3410 3411
MSAM VSAM-managed SAM files With Disk or Tape Management Systems
If you use a supported disk or tape management system, CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC, use the following values for the UNIT parameter on your Process statements:
UNIT=DLBLONLY allows for either CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC to determine the data set characteristics such as primary and secondary allocation amounts and unit allocation and perform the actual allocation of the disk data set.
When you specify UNIT=DLBLONLY, CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC actually controls the data set based upon the characteristics in its system catalog. For example, the pool name, allocation unit (records, blocks, tracks, or cylinders) are kept in the catalog. When you specify this parameter, the data set name must be predefined to the system catalog.
Using the UNIT=DLBLONLY parameter is the preferred method of allocation when you are using a disk management system. This method allows DYNAM or EPIC to control the data set at all times.
UNIT=DNOASGN allows either DYNAM or EPIC to perform file allocation for IBM Connect:Direct without your having to predefine the file to the system catalog. The UNIT=DNOASGN parameter can also be used to override the catalog pool specification. When you use this parameter, you must specify the VOL=SER and SPACE parameters.
UNIT=TNOASGN informs IBM Connect:Direct that your tape management system will control the tape data set and the tape drive allocation. When you use TNOASGN, DYNAM or EPIC will perform the following functions for IBM Connect:Direct:
- Control tape drive
- Request the operator to mount the tape volume
- Perform the tape drive LUB/PUB assignments
- Allocate the tape drive to IBM Connect:Direct.
- VOL=([PRIVATE],[RETAIN],[volume-count],
[SER=(serial-number [, serial-number.,,,])]) | SER=(serial-number, [serial-number]) specifies the volume serial numbers containing the file and optional processing associated with the file. If VOL is not specified with the FROM parameter, the file must be cataloged.
For disk management Systems such as CA-DYNAM/D or CA-EPIC, the VOL=SER parameter serves the following purposes:
- If you are allocating a “START TRACK-1” data set and using UNIT=DNOASGN, VOL=SER specifies the DYNAM or EPIC dynamic space pool name, where the data set will be allocated, for example: POOL01.
- VOL=SER can be used to force a disk data set allocation to a specific volume whether the data set is controlled or uncontrolled.
- VOL=SER can be used to override the dynamic space pool name and force a data set to be allocated on a specific device.
PRIVATE specifies allocation of an output file only if the volume is specifically requested and is used for direct access devices only.
Connect:Direct for VSE does not use this parameter but it is supported on other IBM Connect:Direct platforms and is listed here for compatibility with those platforms.
RETAIN is ignored by IBM Connect:Direct, because IBM Connect:Direct dynamically deallocates data sets. However, if you omit RETAIN, you must specify a comma in its place.
volume-count specifies the maximum number of volumes required by an output file.
SER identifies by serial number the volumes on which the output file resides or will reside.
Do not specify the VOL=SER parameter when you allocate an output scratch tape data set for a VSE node. IBM Connect:Direct will prompt the operator to mount a scratch tape at file open time. The volume serial number of SCRTCH is also reserved and should not be used.
If you need a VOL=SER for MSAM files, update the default model for MSAM. Change the VSAM default model, called DEFAULT.MODEL.ESDS.SAM, to specify the volumes needed.
For DASD Manager POOL allocation when UNIT=DNOASGN, you must also specify VOL=SER=poolname.
For DASD Manager specific volume allocation, when UNIT=DNOASGN, you must specify VOL=SER=xxxxxx.
- VSAMCAT = (dsn, mode, userid, pswd, cuu)
specifies the VSAM catalog where the VSAM file resides.
dsn is the name of the catalog where the file resides. This subparameter is required.
mode specifies the catalog’s 2-character VSE file mode. This subparameter is included for compatibility with Connect:Direct for VM.
userid specifies the 8-character VSE user ID that owns the catalog. This subparameter is included for compatibility with Connect:Direct for VM.
pswd specifies the password of the VSE user that owns the catalog. This subparameter is included for compatibility with Connect:Direct for VM. The value can be left blank.
cuu specifies the device address of the VSAM catalog. This subparameter is included for compatibility with Connect:Direct for VSE.
Specify VSAMCAT=(dsn,1,1,,111) as a standard.