Connect:Direct for VM/ESA Copy Statement

The COPY statement copies CMS (Conversational Monitor System) files, a set of CMS files, a Group of files, and VSAM files between nodes.

The COPY statement contains a FROM parameter that specifies the source file name and a TO parameter that specifies the destination file name. You can specify additional parameters to customize the file transfer.

To copy from one IBM® Connect:Direct® system environment to another, refer to the appropriate COPY FROM and TO sections for those environments. For example, if the source file is located on Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, refer to the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop COPY FROM information. If the destination file is on Connect:Direct for VM/ESA, refer to the VM/ESA COPY TO information.

The following is the Connect:Direct for VM/ESA COPY statement format. Refer to Sterling Connect:Direct for VM/ESA Process Parameters for more information.

Label Statement Parameters
stepname COPY From (
      (FROM) DSN = ’filename filetype’ | GROUP = ’* * ... *’

LINK = (userid,password,mode,ccuu)

      VSAMCAT = (dsn,vmid,pwd,accmode,ccuu)
      TYPE = typekey
      DCB =([BLKSIZE=no. bytes, DEN=[0|1|2|3|4], DSORG=[PS|VSAM], LRECL=no. bytes, RECFM=record format, TRTCH=[C|E|T|ET] [COMP | XF | NOCOMP | NF]])
      (FROM) DISP = ([OLD | SHR])
      LABEL =([file sequence number], [SL|NL], [RETPD=nnnn|EXPDT=yyddd])
      UNIT=(3480 | TAPE)

UNIT = (3480 | 3480X |TAPE)

      VOL = (,,[volume sequence number], [volume count], SER=volume serial number | (list))
      EXCLUDE = [(] generic | member | (startrange/stoprange)| list[)]
      SELECT = [(]member | generic | (*) | (member, [newname], [NR|R]) | (generic,,[NR|R]) (startrange/stoprange,, [NR|R]) | list [)]
      SFSDIR=(’dirid’, [CRE , NOCRE])
    TO (
      (TO) DSN = ’filename filetype’ | DSN = ’!SPOOL vmid fn ft’ | GROUP = ’%1% ... %N%’

LINK = (userid,password,mode,ccuu)

      VSAMCAT = (dsn,vmid,pwd,accmode,ccuu)
      SFSDIR=(’dirid’, [CRE , NOCRE])
      TYPE = typekey
      PROTECT = Yes | No
      DCB =([BLKSIZE=no. bytes, DEN=[0|1|2|3|4], DSORG=[PS|VSAM], LRECL=no. bytes, RECFM=record format, TRTCH=[C|E|T|ET] [COMP | XF | NOCOMP | NF]])
      LABEL =([file sequence number], [SL|NL], [RETPD=nnnn|EXPDT=yyddd])
      UNIT=(3480 | TAPE)

UNIT = (3480 | 3480X |TAPE)

      VOL = (,,[volume sequence number], [volume count], SER=volume serial number | (list))
      SYSOPTS='!SPOOL[CLASS x] [DIST distcode | * | OFF] [FORM form | OFF]'
      CKPT = [nK | nM]
      COMPRESS [PRIMEchar=X’40’ | X’xx’|C’c’] | [EXTended]
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.