Connect:Direct for UNIX Copy Statement

The copy statement copies a file from one IBM® Connect:Direct® node to another.

The copy statement contains a from clause that specifies the source file name and a to clause that specifies the destination file name. You can specify additional parameters to customize the file transfer.

To copy from one IBM Connect:Direct platform to another, refer to the appropriate Copy Statement chapters for the platforms.

The copy statement produces a return code that can be used in conditional statements.

The following is the Connect:Direct for UNIX copy statement format. Refer to IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX Process Parameters for more information.

Label Statement Parameters
stepname COPY from (
      file=filename | dsn=filename
      pnode | snode
      sysopts=":datatype=text | binary | vb:"

" :xlate=no | yes:"

" :xlate.tbl=<pathname/filename>:"

" :strip.blanks=yes | no: "

" :permiss=nnn:"

" :pipe=yes | no:"

" :codepage=(source codepage, destination codepage):"

":=yes | no:"

":recdl=x<hex value of record delimiter>:"

      ckpt=no | nk |nm
      compress [ [primechar = x’xx’ | x’20’ | c’c’] | [extended [=(CMPrlevel=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 WINdowsize=9|10|11|12|13|14|15 MEMlevel=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)] ]
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.
    to (
      file=filename | dsn=filename
      pnode | snode
      sysopts=":datatype=text | binary | vb:"

" :xlate=no | yes:"

" :xlate.tbl=<pathname/filename>:"

" :strip.blanks=yes | no: "

" :permiss=nnn:"

" :pipe=yes | no:"

" :codepage=(source codepage, destination codepage):"

":recdl=x<hex value of record delimiter>:"

      disp=[(] new | mod | rpl [)]
      )ZFBA=2 (AIX only)
Note: ZFBA=n where n is the number of devices to be used for the transfer between 2-10 devices.