Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Copy Statement

The copy statement copies text or binary files with a remote IBM® Connect:Direct® nodes.

The copy statement contains a from clause that specifies the source file name and a to clause that specifies the destination file name. You can specify additional parameters to customize the file transfer operation.

To copy from one IBM Connect:Direct platform to another, refer to the appropriate Copy Statement chapters for the platforms.

The copy statement produces a return code that can be used in conditional statements.

The following is the Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows copy statement format. Refer to Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Process Parameters for more information.

Label Statement Parameters
stepname copy from (
      file=filename | dsn=filename
      pnode | snode
      sysopts="datatype(text | binary)


xlate(no | yes)


strip.blanks(yes | no | i)

strip.oneable(yes | no)

codepage=(source codepage, destination codepage)"

    to (
      file=filename | dsn=filename
      pnode | snode
      sysopts="datatype(text | binary)


xlate(no | yes)


strip.blanks(yes | no)

strip.oneable(yes | no)

codepage=(source codepage, destination codepage)



[operation,rightslist,accountname [;...]])


      disp=[(] new | mod | rpl | shr [)]
      ckpt=no | nnnnnnnnk | nnnnnnnnm
      compress [[primechar = x'xx' | x'20' | c'c'] | extended]
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.