Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Process Parameters
- CLASS = n
determines the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. Each logical unit (LU) has an assigned default class value, which allows a Process to execute on an LU having a matching class value or on LUs with higher class values. Class numbers are assigned in the order in which LUs appear in the network map. If a class value of 1 is specified, a Process will run on the first available LU.
If CLASS is not specified in the IBM® Connect:Direct® Process or Submit command, CLASS defaults to the default class specified in the PARSESS parameter of the adjacent node network map record.
- CKPT = nK | nM
specifies the byte interval for checkpoint support. Checkpointing allows restarting interrupted transmissions at the last valid transmission point, thus avoiding the need to restart transmission from the beginning; restart time is therefore reduced. IBM Connect:Direct converts the specified value to a block boundary, and a data transmission checkpoint is taken at that position. K denotes thousands; M denotes millions.
Connect:Direct for HP NonStop supports checkpointing for entry sequenced files, key sequenced files, unstructured files (but not unstructured code 101), and relative files. Connect:Direct for HP NonStop does not support checkpointing for edit files, spool files, or file copies using the Fastload option.
Specifying CKPT=0K in the Copy statement overrides any checkpointing values specified in the initialization parameters; checkpointing will not occur.
- COMPRESS [[PRIMEchar = X‘xx’ | X‘20’ | C‘c’] | EXTended]
specifies to compress the data, which reduces the amount of data transmitted. The file is automatically decompressed at the destination node. X‘xx’ is the hexadecimal representation of the compression character. C‘cc’ is the character representation of the compression character. The default subparameter for the COMPRESS parameter is PRIMEchar=X‘20’ (blank).
If you specify compression, IBM Connect:Direct reduces the amount of data transmitted based on the following rules:
- Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 2-63) of the primary compression character will be compressed to 1 byte.
- Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 3-63) of any other character will be compressed to 2 bytes.
Compression is CPU-intensive, and its effectiveness is data dependent. It should only be used if its benefits are known.
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.PRIMEchar specifies the primary compression character. The default value for PRIMEchar is a blank (X‘20’).
EXTended searches for repetitive strings of characters in data and compresses them to codes that are transmitted and converted back to the original string during decompression. It is advantageous to specify this parameter when line transmission speeds are limited and data is repetitive.
- condition
specifies the type of comparison to be performed. This condition checking is based on comparisons for equality, inequality, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and less than or equal to.
Valid symbols, alternate symbols, and conditions follow:
= or EQ specifies that the completion code must be equal to the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
<> or ¬= or NE specifies that the completion code must not equal the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
>= or ¬< or GE specifies that the completion code must be greater than or equal to the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
> or GT specifies that the completion code must be greater than the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
<= or ¬> or LE specifies that the completion code must be less than or equal to the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
< or LT specifies that the completion code must be less than the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
identifies the Copy statement. This statement identifier is specified with either the FROM or TO parameter, whichever is specified first.
- CLASS = n
determines the node-to-node session where a Process can execute. Each logical unit (LU) has an assigned default class value, which allows a Process to execute on an LU having a matching class value or on LUs with higher class values. Class numbers are assigned in the order in which LUs appear in the network map. If a class value of 1 is specified, a Process will run on the first available LU.
If CLASS is not specified in the Process or Submit command, CLASS defaults to the default class specified in the PARSESS parameter of the adjacent node network map record.
- DSN = filename | FILE = filename
specifies the name of the file containing the Process.
is required for specifying the end of the IF THEN or IF THEN ELSE block of statements. There are no parameters for this statement.
designates a block of IBM Connect:Direct statements that execute when the IF THEN condition is not satisfied. There are no parameters for this statement.
bypasses all remaining steps within a Process. There are no parameters for this statement.
specifies the source file characteristics.
- (FROM) DCB =([RECFM = record-format] [,BLKSIZE = no.-bytes] [,LRECL = no.-bytes])
specifies attributes to be used in allocating source files. If reading in an unstructured file by record count, BLKSIZE and LRECL must be specified.
RECFM specifies the format of the records in the file. Connect:Direct for HP NonStop automatically determines the RECFM of the ENSCRIBE file; however, you can override this value to allow an unstructured file to be handled differently. For example, to copy an unstructured file containing 4096-byte records to an adjacent node in 132-byte records, specify the following in the FROM clause of the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Copy statement:
BLKSIZE specifies the length in bytes of the block. The minimum length is 512 bytes, and the maximum length is 4,096 bytes. All valid sizes are supported. If the value specified is not a standard value, it will be rounded up to the next largest standard size or to the maximum length.
LRECL specifies the length in bytes of the record. The LRECL values for each supported HP NonStop file type for the DP1 and DP2 operating systems are listed in the following table.
File Type DP1 Limit DP2 Limit Relative Record 4072 4072 Unstructured 4096 4096 Entry Sequenced 4072 4072 Key Sequenced 2035 4062 Unstructured Code 101 2048 2048 - (FROM) DCB =([,LRECL = no.-bytes])
specifies the length in bytes of the record when sending a binary OSS file (ranging from 1-32764). This value overrides the default record length (4096 bytes) for binary files.
specifies the status of the file and its disposition after notification of successful transmission. Subparameters are as follows:
First Subparameter specifies the status of the file. This subparameter applies to all files. Options for this subparameter are as follows:
- OLD specifies that the source file will be opened with exclusive access.
- SHR specifies that the source file will be opened with shared access. SHR is the default.
Second Subparameter specifies the disposition of a normal Process step termination. Valid source file dispositions are as follows:
- KEEP specifies that the system will keep the file after the Process step has been completed. KEEP is the default.
- DELETE specifies that the system will delete the file after the Process step has been successfully completed.
specifies the source file name. File names are verified based on HP NonStop standard file name conventions. DSN or FILE is invalid if you specify the IOEXIT parameter.
specifies whether the file being transferred is converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII during Guardian disk and tape file copies.
If XLATE ON or XLATE YES is specified or the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), Connect:Direct for HP NonStop will check the XLFILE for a table named DEFAULT. If the DEFAULT table is not in XLFILE, then Connect:Direct for HP NonStop uses the standard English language ASCII/EBCDIC table as defined by HP NonStop.
If the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), XLATE does not need to be specified because these files are automatically translated. Specifying SET XLATE OFF or XLATE NO disables translation.
SET XLATE indicates whether file conversion should be set on, off, or to a specified table.
- ON | YES specifies that text will be converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII, depending upon the copy direction.
- OFF | NO ensures that text conversion does not occur during file transfer.
- table-name is a 1–8 character name of a user-defined translation table in XLFILE. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Installation Guide and the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Administration Guide for further details on user-defined translation tables.
specifies system operation parameters on the Copy statement. These parameters can be used to specify whether to convert files from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII during OSS disk and tape file copies. The SET OPENFILEXMT Y parameter can be used to allow data to be transferred while it is being written to the source file.
If XLATE ON or XLATE YES is specified or the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), Connect:Direct for HP NonStop will check the XLFILE for a table named DEFAULT. If the DEFAULT table is not in XLFILE, then Connect:Direct for HP NonStop uses the standard English language ASCII/EBCDIC table as defined by HP NonStop.
If the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), XLATE does not need to be specified because these files are automatically translated. Specifying SET XLATE OFF or XLATE NO disables translation.
SET XLATE indicates whether file conversion should be set on, off, or to a specified table.
- ON | YES specifies that text will be converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII, depending upon the copy direction.
- OFF | NO ensures that text conversion does not occur during file transfer.
- table-name is a 1-8 character name of a user-defined translation table in XLFILE. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Installation Guide and the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Administration Guide for further details on user-defined translation tables.
- (FROM) SYSOPTS =([“SET SPOOLER $spooler-name”] [“SET SPOOLNUM job-number”])
specifies system operation parameters on a spooler file copy. It is an alternative way of specifying file creation attributes.
Each system operation is indicated as a HP NonStop SET command and is enclosed in double quotation marks. You can specify multiple SET command parameters with SET preceding each parameter.
For example:
SET parameter SET parameter
You can also specify multiple SET command parameters with SET preceding the first parameter and commas separating each parameter. For example:
SET parameter, parameter, parameter
Do not use continuation marks in the sysopts parameter. Type the text in a continuous string, with blanks separating each subparameter.
SET parameter commands define HP NonStop file attributes or special processing instructions for Connect:Direct for HP NonStop. The SET commands follow in alphabetical order.
SPOOLER specifies the spooler supervisor process name used to transfer a file between the spooler and another node. The default is $SPLS. The symbol $ must precede specified spooler supervisor names.
If only the spooler supervisor name is specified and multiple instances of a spooler file name are in the spooler, the IBM Connect:Direct system accesses the job with the highest job number corresponding to the given filename in the READY state.
SPOOLNUM specifies the job number of the spooler file. This SYSOPTS SET parameter can be used in conjunction with the spooler file name to clarify selection criteria.
Users can only access jobs that they own in the spooler.
If the HP NonStop system is operating with PERUSE, version T9101C20^16MAR90^IPM^T9101AAR, any user in the SUPER group can access all jobs in the spooler. If you are logged on as a user in the SUPER group and multiple jobs with the same name are in the spooler but none are owned by users in the SUPER group, the IBM Connect:Direct system accesses the job with the highest number. If one or more of the jobs are owned by users in the SUPER group, the IBM Connect:Direct system accesses the job with the highest job number that is owned by any user in the SUPER group.
If the HP NonStop system is operating with PERUSE, version T9101C20^15MAY90^IPM^T9101ABJ, you must be logged on as SUPER.SUPER or bring up the server to access all jobs in the spooler. If you are logged on as SUPER.SUPER and multiple jobs with the same name are in the spooler but none are owned by SUPER.SUPER, the IBM Connect:Direct system accesses the job with the highest number. If one or more of the jobs are owned by SUPER.SUPER, the IBM Connect:Direct system accesses the job with the highest job number that is owned by SUPER.SUPER.
moves to a specific step within a Process. See the following Field Descriptions section for details on using the step label.
- HOLD = Yes | No | Call
specifies whether the Process is placed in the Hold queue at submission.
Yes specifies that the Process is submitted to the Hold queue and remains there until the operator explicitly releases the Process.
When both HOLD=Yes and a STARTT value are specified, the HOLD specification takes precedence. A Process submitted with HOLD=Yes is placed on the Hold queue even if a start time is specified.
No specifies that the Process is to execute as soon as possible. This is the default.
Call specifies that the Process is placed in the Hold queue until a session is established with the specified SNODE. This session could be established by either another Process running on the PNODE or the SNODE contacting the PNODE. For example, a Process submitted HOLD=NO establishes a session and causes execution of any Processes for this node that are designated HOLD=CALL.
specifies that the IBM Connect:Direct system executes a block of IBM Connect:Direct statements based on the completion code of a Process step. An EIF statement must be used in conjunction with an IF THEN statement.
- IOEXIT = [exit-name | (exit-name [,parameter,...])] | [$process-name]
indicates that a user-written program is to be called to perform I/O requests for the associated data.
exit-name specifies the name of the user-written program to be given control for I/O-related requests for the associated data.
parameter specifies a parameter, or list of parameters, to be passed to the specified exit. The parameters are only valid if the SNODE is a Connect:Direct for HP NonStop node.
$process-name specifies the name of the I/O exit Process currently running This Process is given control for I/O-related requests for the associated data.
- label
For the IF THEN statement, the label specifies the name of a previous step whose completion code is used for comparison.
For the GOTO statement, the label specifies the name of a subsequent step in a Process (required for GOTO only). The name can neither be the label of a preceding step nor the label of the GOTO statement of which it is a part.
User-defined labels must begin in column one. Labels are 1-8 character alphanumeric strings. The first character must be alphabetic.
- NEWNAME = new-name
specifies a new name for the Process. The default value is the label on the Process statement.
- nn
specifies the numeric value to be used for completion code checking. If specified as X‘nn’, it is a hexadecimal value; any other specification indicates it as decimal.
If a completion code less than 4 is returned, the Process completed successfully. A return code greater than 4 indicates the Process ended in error. Note that a return code equaling 4 indicates a warning.
- PACCT = ‘pnode-accounting-data’
specifies the accounting data for the primary node (PNODE). The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains special characters.
PACCT is used only for documentation purposes.
- PGM = program-name
specifies the name of the object file to be executed.
On the Copy statement, specifies the transfer direction. When PNODE is specified on the FROM parameter, the file to be copied resides on the primary node. When PNODE is specified in the TO parameter, the file is sent to the primary node. PNODE is the default for the FROM parameter.
On the Run Task statement, specifies that the program will be executed on the PNODE. PNODE is the default.
- PNODE = primary-node-name
specifies the 1-16 character name of the primary node (PNODE) used in the Process. The name can be expressed in alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $), with embedded periods. The Process is always submitted to the PNODE. This parameter defaults to the name of the node submitting the Process and need not be specified. It is used for documentation purposes only.
- PNODEID = (id [,pswd])
specifies security user IDs and passwords at the primary node (PNODE). This parameter should only be used to validate security with an ID different from the one you used to sign on to a IBM Connect:Direct node.
id specifies the HP NonStop group number and user number. These numbers can range from 0-255 and are separated by a period (.).
pswd specifies the current security password for the specified ID. This parameter can be used by the security system at the PNODE to validate the current security password (1-8 alphanumeric characters).
- PROCess
identifies the statement. This statement can be abbreviated to PROC.
- process name
specifies the 1-8 character name of the Process. The Process name is required. The first character must be alphabetic and must start in column one. The PROCESS keyword must be on the same line as the Process name.
This label identifies the Process in messages or statistics.
- PRTY = n
specifies the Process priority in the Transmission Control Queue (TCQ). The TCQ holds all Processes that have been submitted to a node. High numbers indicate high priorities; low numbers indicate low priorities.
This priority is used only for Process selection within class and does not affect transmission priority. The range is from 0-15. If PRTY is not specified, the default is the priority defined during IBM Connect:Direct installation. See the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop installation and administration guides for more information.
- RETAIN = Yes | No | Initial
keeps a copy of the Process in the Hold queue after the Process executes.
Yes specifies the Process remains on the Hold queue after initial execution. The Process must then be released manually through the Change Process command to cause it to be executed, or explicitly deleted through the Delete Process command.
If RETAIN=YES is specified, the Process is held until released unless the STARTT parameter is specified. Use RETAIN in conjunction with STARTT to cause a Process to run repeatedly at a given interval. However, a date is invalid as a STARTT subparameter when used in conjunction with RETAIN.
When a Process is submitted with RETAIN=YES and HOLD=NO or CALL, the HOLD parameter is ignored.
No specifies that the system deletes the Process after execution. The default value for RETAIN is NO.
Initial specifies that the Process is executed every time the IBM Connect:Direct system is initialized. Processes submitted with RETAIN=INITIAL do not execute when initially submitted. Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL.
identifies the Run Task statement.
- SACCT = ‘snode-accounting-data’
specifies the accounting data for the SNODE. The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains special characters.
This parameter is ignored when Connect:Direct for i5/OS is the SNODE.
On the Copy statement, this parameter specifies the secondary node and defines the direction of transfer. When SNODE is specified with the FROM parameter, the file to be copied resides on the secondary node.
When SNODE is specified with the TO parameter, the file is sent to the secondary node. SNODE is the default with the TO parameter.
On the Run Task statement, this parameter specifies that the program will be executed on the SNODE, which is the destination node.
- SNODE = secondary-node-name
specifies the 1-16 character alphanumeric name of the secondary node (SNODE) used in this Process. The name can be expressed in alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $), with embedded periods. This parameter is required.
This is the logical node name defined as the adjacent node in the network map.
This parameter is not required if SNODE is specified on the Submit command.
When specified in the Submit statement, this parameter overrides the value specified in the Process statement.
The PNODE and SNODE can specify the same symbolic node name.
- SNODEID = (id [,pswd] [,newpswd] )
specifies security user IDs and passwords at the secondary node (SNODE).
For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, if an SNODEID and password of the Process submitter is not specified in the Process statement, the user ID and password of the Process submitter is used for the security ID and password check by Connect:Direct for i5/OS.
For Connect:Direct for UNIX, the security user ID and passwords are case sensitive.
id specifies the HP NonStop group number and user number. These numbers can range 0-255 and are separated by a period (.). Other operating environments limit the ID to 1-8 alphanumeric characters.
For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, this subparameter specifies the i5/OS user profile used for authorization checks during Process execution and is limited to 8 characters.
pswd specifies the current security password. This parameter can be used by the security system on the SNODE to validate the current security password and can be 1-8 alphanumeric characters. This is optional unless the user has security set to require a password.
z/OS, VM, and VSE nodes only recognize passwords specified in uppercase alphanumeric characters. See the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop installation and administration guides for a solution for mixed-case passwords.
newpswd specifies the new security password and can be used by the security system to change the current security password to the new security password (1-8 alphanumeric characters).
For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, SAFEGUARD must be running on HP NonStop.
This subparameter is ignored for Connect:Direct for i5/OS.
- STARTT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM])
specifies that the Process execute on a specified date or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If the date or day parameter is not specified, a comma must precede the time.
date specifies that the Process executes on the indicated date. Specify the date in one of the following formats:
yymmdd mm/dd/yy yy/mm/dd mm.dd.yy mmddyy yyddd (Julian date) yy/ddd (Julian date) If only date is specified, the time defaults to 00:00.
If RETAIN=YES, do not specify a date in the STARTT parameter.
day specifies the day of the week that the Process is released for execution. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday. The day value may be abbreviated to the first two characters.
If you specify the day of the week with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes the same day every week. If you only specify a day, the time defaults to 00:00. This means that if a Process is submitted on Monday, with Monday as the only STARTT parameter, the Process will not run until the following Monday.
You can also specify TODAY, which releases the Process for execution the day and time of Process submission (unless the time of day is specified), or TOMORROW, which releases the Process for execution the next day. If a time of day is not specified with TOMORROW, the Process will execute after midnight.
hh:mm:ssXM indicates the time of day in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss) that the Process is released. XM can be set to AM or PM.
The time of day can be expressed using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If the 24-hour clock is used, valid times are from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00. If AM and PM are not used, the 24-hour clock is assumed.
If the 12-hour clock is used, specify 01:00:00 hours as 1:00AM, and specify 13:00 hours as 1:00PM.
If you specify hh:mm:ssXM with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes at the same time every day. You do not need to specify minutes and seconds.
You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT to release the Process for execution at midnight.
When you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value, the HOLD specification takes precedence. A Process submitted with HOLD=YES is placed on the Hold queue even if a start time is specified.
Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=I.
- stepname
specifies the user-defined name of the Copy, Run Task, or Submit step.
Stepnames must begin in column one. Stepnames are 1-8 character alphanumeric strings. The first character must be alphabetic.
identifies the Submit statement.
specifies the node where the Process defined in the Submit statement will execute. PNODE means that the Process is submitted on the node that has Process control. SNODE means that the Process is submitted on the node participating in, but not controlling, Process execution. In both cases, the Process must reside on the node on which it is being submitted. The default is PNODE.
identifies the Symbol statement.
- &symbolic_name = variable-string
specifies a string that is substituted into the Process.
When IBM Connect:Direct software encounters an ampersand (&) plus 1-17 alphanumeric characters, IBM Connect:Direct substitutes a string represented by that ampersand and the alphanumeric characters.
Symbols in the string are resolved from previously specified values in a Process, Submit, or Symbol statement. With the Symbol statement, different pieces of a IBM Connect:Direct statement string can be concatenated, allowing the user to move data in a variety of ways.
A null value can be specified if the equal sign (=) is immediately followed by a comma. Enclose a symbolic parameter string containing special characters in single quotation marks.
- &symbolic_name_1 = variable-string-1
&symbolic_name_2 = variable-string-2
&symbolic_name_n = variable-string-n specifies the default value for a symbolic parameter in the Process. This default can be overridden in the Submit command.
A null value can be specified if the equal sign (=) is immediately followed by a comma. Enclose a symbolic parameter string containing special characters in single quotation marks.
When specified on the Submit statement, this parameter override the value in the Process statement.
An ampersand symbolic parameter can be set to a single ampersand symbolic parameter that was resolved during the first Process submission. Do not use identical symbolic names.
- SYSOPTS = ("[/run-option parameters/] [program-parameter] [program-parameter...]")
specifies the parameters passed to the new HP NonStop Process when it is created. Enclose the SYSOPTS string in either single or double quotation marks. Enclose any literal parameter values to be passed in single quotation marks. Enclose any symbolic values (&value) in double quotation marks.
Note: There is a limit of 256 characters to the SYSOPTS string. This includes the opening and closing quotation marks and the resolved values of any symbolics. SYSOPTS strings greater than 256 characters may cause an ABEND.CPU n specifies the CPU where the newly created HP NonStop process will execute. Values range from 0-15 inclusive.
IN file specifies the name of the file containing the HP NonStop program parameters.
INSPECT [OFF | ON | SAVEABEND] specifies the debugging environment for the HP NonStop process being created. OFF selects the NonStop Kernel DEBUG debugging facility. ON and SAVEABEND select INSPECT as the debugger. SAVEABEND and ON function the same except that SAVEABEND creates a dump file if the program ends abnormally. The default is OFF.
LIB filename specifies a user library file of object routines to be searched prior to the system library file to satisfy external references in the executing program.
MEM n specifies the maximum number of virtual pages to allocate for the new HP NonStop process. Values range from 1-64 inclusive.
NAME specifies the name of the new HP NonStop process, where name is a 1-5 character alphanumeric string with the first character alphabetic.
If the new HP NonStop process name will be used across a network, the name must be in the form $name, where name is a 1-4 character alphanumeric string.
OUT file specifies the name of the file where the output will be directed.
PRI n specifies the priority of the new HP NonStop process. Values range from 1-199 inclusive.
If this parameter is not specified, a priority is assigned by the program that creates the new HP NonStop process.
SWAP filename specifies the name of the file that will hold the virtual data for the new HP NonStop process. This parameter is for debugging purposes only.
TERM $termname specifies the home terminal for the new HP NonStop process, where termname is an alphanumeric string. The first character is alphabetic.
VOL specifies the volume and subvolume where the PGM value can be found.
specifies subsequent processing to be performed if the condition specified is true.
specifies the number of minutes to attempt Process execution before the session is cancelled. The range is 1-32768 minutes (22 days and 18 hours).
- TO
specifies the destination file characteristics.
- (TO) DCB =([BLKSIZE = no.-bytes] [,DSORG = dsorg] [,KEYLEN = key-length] [,LRECL = no.-bytes] [,RECFM = record-format])
specifies attributes to be used in allocating destination. For destination files, these parameters override the DCB information provided in the source file at open time.
If you are transferring a text file without the DCB parameter specified, the file type on the HP NonStop node defaults to an unstructured file, code 101.
If you are transferring a binary file without the DCB parameter specified, the file type on the HP NonStop node defaults to an unstructured file, code 0.
For UNIX to HP NonStop copies: When copying files from UNIX to HP NonStop, use the DCB parameter to allocate destination files. Specify any additional options using the SYSOPTS parameter.
BLKSIZE specifies the length in bytes of the block. The minimum length is 512 bytes, and the maximum length is 4,096 bytes. All valid sizes are supported. If the value specified is not a standard value, it is rounded up to the next largest standard size or to the maximum length.
DSORG specifies the file organization. File organizations supported are U, R, E, and K. If no value is supplied, DSORG defaults to the file organization of the sending file. Also valid are the numerical representations of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
KEYLEN specifies the length of the keys used in a file. The maximum length in bytes is 255.
LRECL specifies the length in bytes of the record. The LRECL values for each supported HP NonStop file type for the DP1 and DP2 operating systems are listed in the previous table.
RECFM specifies the format of the records in the file. Any valid record format, such as F (Fixed), FB (Fixed Block), FBA (Fixed Block ANSI carriage control), U (Undefined), V (Variable), VB (Variable Block), VBA (Variable Block ASA printer control), VBM (Variable Block Machine code control character), and VBS (Variable Block Spanned), can be specified.
- (TO) DISP = ([NEW | OLD | MOD | RPL | SHR], [KEEP | DELETE])
specifies the status of the data on the receiving node. Subparameters are as follows:
First Subparameter specifies the status of the file. Options for this subparameter are as follows:
- NEW specifies that the Process step will create the destination file. NEW is the default.
- OLD specifies that the destination file existed before the Process began executing and that the Process will have exclusive control of the file. If DISP=OLD, the destination file may be any HP NonStop disk file.
- MOD specifies that the Process step will modify the file by adding data to the end of the file. DISP=MOD is valid for file types K, R, E, and EDIT files. DISP=MOD is not valid for other unstructured files. When setting DISP=MOD for file types E and R, specify SYSOPTS="SET NO BLOCKIO".
When using checkpointing, DISP=MOD is required.
- RPL specifies that the destination file will replace any existing file or create a new file. If DISP=RPL and the file exists, the existing file attributes will be retained. IBM Connect:Direct will not change existing file attributes.
- SHR specifies that the destination file existed before the Process began executing and that the file can be used simultaneously by another Process. The file is opened in shared access mode.
Second Subparameter is ignored and is indicated with a comma.
Third Subparameter specifies abnormal termination disposition. The KEEP/DELETE option is deactivated if checkpointing is specified. IBM Connect:Direct must always KEEP the file to allow checkpointing to restart transmission from the last valid transmission point.
Valid destination file dispositions are as follows:
- KEEP specifies that the system will keep the file after the Process step is terminated abnormally. This is the default.
- DELETE specifies the system will delete the file when the Process step is terminated abnormally.
specifies the destination file name. DSN or FILE is invalid if you specify the IOEXIT parameter.
[“SET TYPE [U | 0] | [R | 1] | [E | 2] | [K | 3]”]
[“SET CODE file-code”]
[“SET EXT (extent.size) | (pri.ext.size,sec.ext.size)”]
[“SET REC record-length”
] [“SET BLOCK data-block-length”]
[“SET KEYLEN key-length”]
[“SET KEYOFF key-offset”]
( [key-specifier]
[FILE key-file-number]
[KEYLEN key-length]
[KEYOFF key-offset ]
[“SET ALTFILE key-file-number , filename”]
( [sec.partition.num]
[“SET MAXEXTENTS maximum-extents”]
[“SET BUFFERSIZE unstructured-buffer-size”]
[“SET FAST.LOAD.PRI priority”]
[“SET FAST.LOAD.CPU cpu-number”]
[“SET XLATE ON | YES | OFF | NO | table-name"]
[“SET FORMAT 0|1|2”]
) specifies system operation parameters on the Copy statement. It is an alternative way of specifying file creation attributes. You can use HP NonStop File Utility Program (FUP) syntax to create HP NonStop-specific file options that are available through Sterling IBM Connect:Direct syntax.
SYSOPTS are expressed as HP NonStop SET commands. There are two ways to express multiple SET command parameter:
- SET precedes each parameter. For example:
SYSOPTS=("SET parameter" "SET parameter" "SET parameter")
- SET precedes the first parameter, and commas separate subsequent
parameters. For example:
SYSOPTS=(“SET parameter, parameter, parameter”)
Enclose each sysopts string in double quotation marks except when copying from Microsoft Windows to HP NonStop. For copies from Microsoft Windows to HP NonStop, enclose each SET parameter in single quotation marks and enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. For example:
SYSOPTS="’SET parameter’ ’SET parameter’ ’SET parameter’"
Do not use continuation marks in the SYSOPTS parameter. Type the text in a continuous string, with blanks separating each subparameter.
For details on listed FUP SET commands, refer to the appropriate HP NonStop manual. The following commands are Connect:Direct for HP NonStop SET commands and are described only in the documentation set for Connect:Direct for HP NonStop: SET [NO] BLOCKIO, SET [NO] LARGEIO, SET XLATE, SET SPOOLER, SET FAST.LOAD Y, SET FAST.LOAD.PRI, SET FAST.LOAD CPU, SET FAST.LOAD.SORTED Y, and SET SPOOLNUM.
SET parameter commands define HP NonStop file attributes or special processing instructions for Connect:Direct for HP NonStop. The SET commands follow in alphabetical order.
[NO] ALTCREATE specifies whether automatic alternate-key files will be created. The default is ALTCREATE.
ALTFILE specifies the file number and file name of an alternate-key file. When using the SET ALTFILE or SET ALTKEY commands, the first key file number must be equal to zero (0).
- key-file-number is an integer from 0-255, inclusive.
- filename is the name of the alternate-key file for the key-file-number.
ALTKEY specifies an alternate key. When using the SET ALTFILE or SET ALTKEY commands, the first key file number must be equal to zero (0). Valid values are as follows:
- key-specifier is a 2-byte value that uniquely identifies the alternate-key field.
- FILE specifies the key file number. Valid entries range from 0-255. The default is 0.
- KEYLEN specifies the length of the key. This parameter is required for creating a key-sequenced file.
- KEYOFF specifies the offset for the key. The default is 0.
- [NO] NULL specifies the null value set for the key. Valid entries are an ASCII character in quotation marks or an integer ranging from 0-255. The default is NO NULL.
- [NO] UNIQUE specifies whether the key is unique. The default is NO UNIQUE.
- [NO] UPDATE specifies whether automatic updating is set for the alternate-key file. The default is UPDATE.
[NO] AUDIT specifies whether the file will be audited by the Transaction Monitoring Facility (TMF). The default is NO AUDIT.
[NO] AUDITCOMPRESS specifies whether auditing mode is to compress or generate entire before/after messages. The default is NO AUDITCOMPRESS.
BLOCK specifies the data block length. Values range from 1-4096. The default is 1024.
[NO] BLOCKIO specifies that IBM Connect:Direct will perform its own block I/O for high performance. With BLOCKIO specified, data is transferred in blocks determined by the file block size, with a 4K-maximum block size. Specifying BLOCKIO or NO BLOCKIO in the SYSOPTS parameters overrides the setting in the initialization parameters file.
Improving I/O performance for entry-sequenced and relative files with alternate keys must be handled differently. The alternate key is not updated if BLOCKIO is activated unless a Run Task statement to run the FUP LOADALTFILE utility is added to the Process. FUP is then instructed to update the alternate keys for any alternate key files.
[NO] BUFFERED specifies the mode of handling write requests. To buffer write requests into the disk-process cache, specify BUFFERED. The default for audited files is BUFFERED. The default for nonaudited files is NO BUFFERED.
BUFFERSIZE specifies the size in bytes of the internal buffer used when accessing an unstructured file. Values range from 1-4096. The default is 4096.
CODE specifies the file code. Values range from 0-65,535. Codes 100-999 are used exclusively by the system. The default is 0.
[NO] COMPRESS specifies whether keys will be compressed in both index and data blocks. In data blocks, the key offset must be 0, and the maximum record size will be reduced by 1 byte. The default is NO COMPRESS.
[NO] DCOMPRESS specifies whether keys will be compressed in data blocks. The key offset must be 0, and the maximum record size will be reduced by 1 byte. The default is NO DCOMPRESS.
[NO] ICOMPRESS specifies whether keys will be compressed in index blocks. The default is NO ICOMPRESS.
EXT specifies the size of the extents. Valid values are as follows:- extent.size specifies the extent size. The default is 10.
- pri.ext.size , sec.ext.size specifies the sizes of the primary and secondary extents. The default is 10.
FAST.LOAD Y indicates that the FASTLOAD facility be used. FASTLOAD is a function that can reduce disk I/O overhead and is used when the HP NonStop node is the destination. With FASTLOAD, the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop system passes data through the SPI interface to FUP to load into a destination data file. The feature is particularly useful for key-sequenced files, although FASTLOAD is also supported for entry-sequenced and relative record files. Because edit files are unstructured, they cannot be loaded with the FASTLOAD feature.
FAST.LOAD.PRI <priority> sets FASTLOAD and specifies the priority to run FUP. Valid values for priority range from 1-199. The default priority is the priority of the session manager (NDMSMGR). It is recommended to set this priority higher than that for NDMSMGR.
FAST.LOAD.CPU <cpu number> sets FASTLOAD and specifies the CPU to use to run FUP. Valid values for the CPU number range from 0-15. The default CPU is the CPU of the session manager (NDMSMGR).
FAST.LOAD.SORTED Y sets FASTLOAD and indicates to FUP that the data is sorted. This option (valid only for key-sequenced files) bypasses invocation of FASTSORT by FUP. The default is NO; that is, the data is not assumed to be sorted and FASTSORT is called.
SET FORMAT indicates what file format is used when the file is created. The FORMAT parameter applies only to HP NonStop files, when receiving, and the file is being created NEW. It is not used in a non-HP NonStop data set definition, when sending a file from HP NonStop, or when overwriting an existing file on a HP NonStop computer.- 0 directs the Enscribe File System to set the format based on the space requested when the file is created. This is the default value.
- 1 requests that a Format 1 file be created. If the space requested is greater than the space supported by a Format 1 file, a file creation error occurs.
- 2 requests that a Format 2 file be created.
KEYLEN specifies the primary-key length. Values range from 1-255. KEYLEN must be specified to create key-sequenced files.
KEYOFF specifies the primary-key offset. Values range from 0-2034. The default is 0.
[NO] LARGEIO specifies the transfer of data in blocks of 28K. Specifying LARGEIO or NO LARGEIO in the SYSOPTS parameters overrides the setting in the initialization parameters file.
Improving I/O performance for entry-sequenced and relative files with alternate keys must be handled differently. The alternate keys are not updated if LARGEIO is activated unless a Run Task statement to run the FUP LOADALTFILE utility is added to the Process. FUP would then be instructed to update the alternate keys for any alternate key files.
MAXEXTENTS specifies the maximum number of extents for the file. Values range from 16-n, where n is the maximum value determined by the amount of free space remaining in the file label. The default is 16, and the maximum value allowed is 978. For partitioned files, this value is always 16.
ODDUNSTR specifies that no upward rounding of an odd byte count will occur.
PART specifies secondary partition specifications for partitioned files. Valid values are as follows:- sec.partition.num specifies the name of the volume where this secondary partition will reside. Values range from 1-15.
- \$volume specifies the names of the system and volume to contain the partition.
- pri.ext.size specifies the primary extent size. The default is 1.
- sec.ext.size specifies the secondary extent size. The default is 1.
- partial.key.value specifies the lowest key value that can reside in this partition. This value is only for key-sequenced files. Valid entries include a string of characters enclosed in double quotation marks; a list of single characters, each enclosed in double quotation marks and separated by commas; and integers representing byte values, ranging from 0-255, and separated by commas.
[NO] PARTONLY specifies whether subsequent file creations will create all partitions of a partitioned file or only a single partition. The default is NO PARTONLY.
REC specifies the length of the records. For relative and entry-sequenced files, values range from 1-4072. For DP1 key-sequenced files, values range from 1-2035. For DP2 key-sequenced files, values range from 1-4062. The default is 80. REC is not valid if the destination file is unstructured.
[NO] REFRESH specifies whether the file label will be automatically copied to disk each time the file control block is marked as dirty. The default is NO REFRESH.
[NO] SERIALWRITES specifies whether serial or parallel mirror writes will occur at file open. The default is NO SERIALWRITES, which will result in parallel mirror writes at file open.
TYPE specifies the file type. Values include:- Use U or 0 for an unstructured file.
- Use R or 1 for a relative record file.
- Use E or 2 for an entry-sequenced file.
- Use K or 3 for a key-sequenced file.
[NO] VERIFIEDWRITES specifies whether disk writes will be verified. The default is NO VERIFIEDWRITES.
XLATE indicates whether the file being transferred will be converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII.
If XLATE ON or XLATE YES is specified or the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), Connect:Direct for HP NonStop will check the XLFILE for a table named DEFAULT. If the DEFAULT table is not in XLFILE, then Connect:Direct for HP NonStop will use the standard English language ASCII/EBCDIC table as defined by HP NonStop.
For spooler or edit files: If the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), XLATE does not need to be specified because these files are automatically translated.- ON | YES specifies whether text will be converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII, depending upon the copy direction.
- OFF | NO ensures that text conversion does not occur during file transfer.
- table-name is a 1-8 character name of a user-defined translation table. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Administration Guide for further details on user-defined translation tables.
- SET precedes each parameter. For example:
specifies system operation parameters on OSS disk and tape file copies. It is an alternative way of specifying file creation attributes.
You can use HP NonStop File Utility Program (FUP) syntax to create HP NonStop-specific file options that are available through IBM Connect:Direct syntax.
SYSOPTS are expressed as HP NonStop SET commands. There are two ways to express multiple SET command parameter:
- SET precedes each parameter. For example:
SYSOPTS=("SET parameter" "SET parameter" "SET parameter")
- SET precedes the first parameter, and commas separate subsequent
parameters. For example:
SYSOPTS=(“SET parameter, parameter, parameter”)
Enclose each sysopts string in double quotation marks except when copying from Microsoft Windows to HP NonStop. For copies from Microsoft Windows to HP NonStop, enclose each SET parameter in single quotation marks and enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. For example:
SYSOPTS="’SET parameter’ ’SET parameter’ ’SET parameter’"
Do not use continuation marks in the SYSOPTS parameter. Type the text in a continuous string, with blanks separating each subparameter.
For details on listed FUP SET commands, refer to the appropriate HP NonStop manual. The following commands are Connect:Direct for HP NonStop SET commands and are described only in the documentation set for Connect:Direct for HP NonStop: SET [NO] BLOCKIO, SET [NO] LARGEIO, SET XLATE, SET SPOOLER, SET FAST.LOAD Y, SET FAST.LOAD.PRI, SET FAST.LOAD CPU, SET FAST.LOAD.SORTED Y, and SET SPOOLNUM.
SET parameter commands define HP NonStop file attributes or special processing instructions for Connect:Direct for HP NonStop. The SET commands follow in alphabetical order.
XLATE indicates whether the file being transferred will be converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII.
If XLATE ON or XLATE YES is specified or the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), Connect:Direct for HP NonStop will check the XLFILE for a table named DEFAULT. If the DEFAULT table is not in XLFILE, then Connect:Direct for HP NonStop will use the standard English language ASCII/EBCDIC table as defined by HP NonStop.
If the file being copied is a spooler file or an edit file (unstructured file, code 101), XLATE does not need to be specified because these files are automatically translated.- ON | YES specifies whether text will be converted from either ASCII to EBCDIC or EBCDIC to ASCII, depending upon the copy direction.
- OFF | NO ensures that text conversion does not occur during file transfer.
- table-name is a 1-8 character name of a user-defined translation table. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Administration Guide for further details on user-defined translation tables.
SET DATATYPE specifies whether the source file being transferred is in ASCII or BINARY format.
To successfully transfer binary files from an OSS files system to either UNIX or Microsoft Windows, specify BINARY as the datatype.
- SET precedes each parameter. For example:
- (TO) SYSOPTS = [“SET SPOOLER $spooler-name”]
specifies system operation parameters on spooler job copies. It is an alternative way of specifying file creation attributes.
SET parameter commands define HP NonStop file attributes or special processing instructions for Connect:Direct for HP NonStop.
SPOOLER specifies the spooler supervisor process name used to transfer a file between the spooler and another node. The default is $SPLS. The symbol $ must precede specified spooler supervisor names.
If only the spooler supervisor name is specified and multiple instances of a spooler file name are in the spooler, the IBM Connect:Direct system accesses the job with the highest job number corresponding to the given filename in the READY state.
- TYPE = typekey
specifies the entry in the type defaults file containing the file attribute defaults used to open the destination file. This type key is specified only when defaults are requested by the user.