Running the CTTU

Use this information to create TEM tasks by running the CTTU.

When the CTTU distribution file is unarchived, the directory that is created for the CTTU contains all required .jar files, configuration files, and the runCTTU.bat or file. If needed, edit the runCTTU.bat file or file, and update the value for propertiesPathname to the file path name of your TEMTask properties file. The runCTTU.bat file contains the following command and parameters:
java -DpropertiesPathname="" -Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf\CTTU.
log4j -classpath lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar;lib\componentCommon.jar;lib\xalan.jar;lib\
.1.4_1.0.0.jar;lib\commons-logging.jar;lib\SCCenter.jar;. com.sterlingcommerce.
To run the CTTU, use the following procedure:
  1. Open a Command Prompt
  2. Go to the directory where the runCTTU.bat or file is located
  3. Type runCTTU (Microsoft Windows) or (UNIX/Linux) and press Enter
As the CTTU creates each TEM task, it writes the task ID value to the console.

The following output is an example of what is written to the console:

C:\CTTU>java -DpropertiesPathname="" -Dlog4j.configuration=fil
e:conf\CTTU.log4j -classpath lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar;lib\componentCommon.jar;lib\xa
mmons.codec.1.4_1.0.0.jar;lib\commons-logging.jar;lib\SCCenter.jar;. com.sterlin
Tue Apr 16 10:22:57 CDT 2013  Create TEM Tasks Utility beginning...
Tue Apr 16 10:22:58 CDT 2013  Adding files for Task ~Install CDW test 1
Tue Apr 16 10:22:58 CDT 2013  Initiating upload of the following file to TEM: C:
Tue Apr 16 10:23:51 CDT 2013  File uploaded successfully.
Tue Apr 16 10:23:51 CDT 2013  Initiating upload of the following file to TEM: C:
Tue Apr 16 10:23:51 CDT 2013  File uploaded successfully.
Tue Apr 16 10:23:51 CDT 2013  Adding Task ~Install CDW test 1 to TEM server...
Tue Apr 16 10:23:52 CDT 2013  Task added successfully - id = 90