Install Sterling Connect:Direct Server and Requester

If you chose a database other than the included PostgreSQL, make sure you have installed your database before you begin this installation.

Note: The connections between some clients and a Connect:Direct Server are unsecure. Passwords sent by one of these clients to a C:D Server are obfuscated, but the session is not encrypted. The clients are: the CD Requester, the Windows CLI, any user-written Windows SDK client and FileAgent.
To install Sterling Connect:Direct Server and Requester:
  1. Insert the CD into the CD drive. If Autorun is enabled, the installation automatically starts. Otherwise, start setup.exe from the Microsoft Windows run option.
  2. If you downloaded the software, double-click CDWindows setup.exe from the download folder.
  3. On the Welcome dialog, click Next.
  4. Select Typical and click Next.
    Note: When installing in a clustered environment, you must deselect the Requester feature (do not install at this time). Instead, do one of the following:
    • Install the Sterling Connect:Direct Requester (Stand-Alone) using the CDRequester Setup.exe.
    • Install the Requester feature on a different system outside the cluster environment.
  5. To configure the Sterling Connect:Direct Server, enable Default and click Next.
  6. Select the database to use and click Next.
    Note: The SQL Server option applies to either a remote SQL Server or the local installation of SQL Server Express.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Configure the database you selected as follows:
    • If you accepted the default database, PostgreSQL, type the information provided by your system administrator and click Next.
      Note: If you chose another database and decide to install PostgreSQL at a later time, run setup.exe. You can also install the PostgreSQL feature using the "Add/Remove Programs" tool from the Windows Control Panel, or "Programs and Features" on Windows Vista, 2008R2 or Windows 7.
    • To configure MySQL, type the MySQL Server options provided by your system administrator and click Next.
    • To configure SQL Server, type the address of the remote SQL Server and identify the authentication method. Click Next.
    • For SQL Server Express, the SQL Server field is populated with (local)\CDWINDOWS. Unless an advanced configuration is performed, do not make changes to the SQL Server field or the Microsoft Windows authentication credentials of the current user. Click Next.
  9. Click Install.
  10. When the installation is finished, Sterling Connect:Direct Requester is automatically started. If you do not want it to start automatically, deselect the option.
  11. Click Finish.