Copy HFS and Text Files Back and Forth Between z/OS and OpenVMS

In this example. the PNODE is OpenVMS while the SNODE is z/OS. For each node, userids and passwords have been included. Step up1 copies a HFS text file from the z/OS USS to a text file on the OpenVMS system called hfsout.txt. The OpenVMS directory is disk$data:[qaalpha.q3a]. Step back1 is just the opposite but it names the HFS file unix2.txt. The sysopts="permission" gives read write authority to HFS files. The sysopts="binary" indicates the data is not to be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC.]

                      PNODE=Q3A.ALPHA.V3400 PNODEID=(jward1,ward1949)
up1      COPY                                                          -
               TO    ( DSN=DISK$DATA:[qaalpha.q3a]hfsout.txt disp=rpl  -
                      SYSOPTS="binary" )                               -
               FROM  (file='/u/jward1/unix.txt' disp=shr SNODE         -
back1    COPY  TO    (file='/u/jward1/unix2.txt' disp=rpl SNODE        -
                      SYSOPTS="PERMISS=777")                           -
                      FROM  ( DSN=DISK$DATA:[qaalpha.q3a]hfsout.txt    -
                      DISP=SHR                                         -