Copy between the z/OS and OpenVMS Platforms

In this example, the PNODE resides on an OpenVMS system while the SNODE is on a z/OS system. This is a two-step Process where in step 1 a file (CSDQA1.TESTFILE.BENCH.M100) is being copied from the SNODE to a file on the PNODE and being renamed test100.dat. In step 2 the OpenVMS file, test100.dat, is copied to a new z/OS dataset called CSDQA2.TEST.MB100. The SUB1 statement submits a Process that resides on the z/OS system.

vms2mvsr process      snode=Q1B.ZOS.V4600 SNODEID=(JWARD1,APR1951)               -
                      pnodeid=(jward1,ward1949) pnode=q3a.alpha.v3400
*  test copy, ckpt, comp and sub job
Step1    copy  from  (file=CSDQA1.TESTFILE.BENCH.M100 DISP=(OLD)  snode)         -
                      ckpt = 10M compress                                        -
               to    ( pnode file=disk$data:[qaalpha.q3a]test100.dat DISP=(RPL)  -
Step2    copy  from  (file=disk$data:[qaalpha.q3a]test100.dat disp=(SHR))        -
                      ckpt = 20M compress                                        -
               to    (file=CSDQA2.TEST.MB100 snode                               -
                      disp=(RPL,CATLG,DELETE)                                    -
                      dcb=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6160)                       -
SUB1     SUBMIT       DSN='CSDQA1.MANUAL.PROCESS(MVS2VMSR)'                      -
                      SUBNODE=SNODE CASE=YES