Manage Processes

The Node object provides several methods to manage Processes. You can view, change and delete Processes, place a Process on Hold, or release it from Hold. Each method returns Process information in the ProcessList property of the Node class for each Process that was selected or changed.

The following SelectProc method allows you to retrieve a list of all Processes from the TCQ:

void SelectProc()

The following SelectProc method retrieves Processes from the TCQ whose Process name matches stName.

void SelectProc(String^ stName)

The following SelectProc method retrieves Processes from the TCQ whose Process number matches nNumber.

void SelectProc(int nNumber)

The following SelectProc method retrieves Processes from the TCQ whose Process name matches any name in the array arrayNames.

void SelectProc(array<String^>^ arrayNames)

The following SelectProc method retrieves Processes from the TCQ whose Process number matches a number in arrayNumbers.

void SelectProc(array<int>^ arrayNumbers)

The following HoldProc method places a Process in the TCQ on HOLD. pProcess is a Process object.

void HoldProc(Process^ pProcess)

The following ReleaseProc method releases a Process from the HOLD and allows it to run. pProcess is a process object.

void ReleaseProc(Process^ pProcess)

The following ReleaseProc method releases a Process that is on HOLD. nNumber is the Process number of the Process, stPNode is the primary node of the Process, and stUserid is the User ID of the Process.

void ReleaseProc(int nNumber, String^ stPNode, String^ stUserid)

The following DeleteProc method deletes a Process from the TCQ. pProcess is a Process object.

void DeleteProc(Process^ pProcess)

The following DeleteProc method deletes a Process from the TCQ. nNumber is the Process number to delete, stPNode is the primary node of the Process, and stUserid is the User ID of the Process.

void DeleteProc(int nNumber, String^ stPNode, String^ stUserid)