Submit Process Command

Use the submit command to request that Connect:Direct® execute the operations specified in the Process being submitted.

Parameters override the same parameters specified in the Process statement. The submit command also enables you to resolve symbolic parameters found in the Process.

Parameter Description
file=filename The name of the Process file, up to 256 characters. If you specify the file parameter, you must specify it before any other parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, then the text of the Process must follow the submit command.
class=nn| session number The node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. A Process can execute in the class specified or any higher session class.

The operating system execution priority, from 1 to 15, of the Process. The execution priority parameter is used to influence the priority given to the Session Manager when it starts this Process. The higher the priority, the higher the Session Manager priority and, therefore, the more system resources. Scheduling Processes to run in the High priority class can have an adverse effect on the execution of other applications in the system.

The values for the execution priority range from 1 to 15 and are mapped to Microsoft Windows Process priority classes and values. The highest priority is 15.

Only Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows supports the execution priority option.

hold=yes | no | call

The TCQ hold status of the Process.

yes—Places the Process in the Hold queue in HI (Held Initial) status until you explicitly release it by a change process command. When you specify both hold=yes and a startt value, the hold specification takes precedence. A Process with hold=yes is placed in the Hold queue even if you specify a start time.

no—Does not place the Process in the Hold queue. The Process executes as soon as resources are available.

call—Holds the Process until the SNODE connects to the PNODE. At that time, the software releases the Process for execution. It also releases the Process when another Process on the PNODE connects to the SNODE.

pacct=“pnode accounting data” A string, up to 256 characters, to be used as accounting data for the PNODE. Enclose the string in double quotation marks.
pnodeid=(id , pswd) Security user IDs and passwords at the PNODE. The subparameters can contain 1 to 48 alphanumeric characters. You must specify both the ID and the password.
maxdelay=unlimited | hh:mm:ss | 0

Causes the command processor to wait until the submitted Process completes execution or the specified time interval expires.

If the time interval expires, the command processor returns a warning status code and message ID. The Process is not affected by the time interval expiration and executes normally.

unlimited—Specifies that the submit command processor is to wait until the Process completes execution.

hh:mm:ss—Specifies that the submit command is to wait for an interval no longer than the specified hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss).

0—Specifies that the submitted Process must begin execution immediately. If the submitted Process cannot begin execution immediately, the submit operation fails.

newname=new process name Specifies a new Process name, 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters long, to override the name within the submitted Process.
notify=userid The user to receive Process completion messages.
sacct=“snode accounting data” Accounting data, from 1 to 256 characters, for the SNODE. Enclose the string in double quotation marks.
retain=yes | no | initial

Determines whether a copy of the Process is retained in the TCQ for re-execution after the Process executes.

yes—Specifies that the software retains the Process in the Hold queue in HR status after execution. Issue a change process command to release the Process for execution.

no—Specifies that the Process is deleted after execution.

initial—Specifies that the software is to retain the Process in the Hold queue in HR status for automatic execution every time Connect:Direct initializes.

If startt is set, you must set retain=yes to execute the Process at regular intervals based on the value of startt.

If retain=initial, do not use the startt parameter. This causes the submit command to fail.

snode=[nodename] | [hostname | IPaddress ; portnumber | servicename]

Identifies the SNODE. The SNODE name is a 1- to 16-character alphanumeric string. Specify the node either on the submit command or Process statement. If you specify the node in this submit command, it overrides the node specified in the Process statement.

nodename—Identifies the remote node object in the Connect:Direct network map.

hostname | IPaddress ; portnumber | servicename—Specifies an IP address for the SNODE. This is used for TCP/IP connectivity only.

Specify the host name or IP address, a semicolon, and the port number or service name. For more information on specifying valid IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and ports, see Specifying IP Addresses, Host Names, and Ports.

If you specify an IP address, you must also specify netmap.check=r or netmap.check=n in your initialization parameters.

If you use IPv6 temporary addresses for outbound connections, the connection will fail unless you configure a well-known address for the PNODE server or you disable temporary addresses for the SNODE.

snodeid=(id [,pswd [,newpswd]])

The security user IDs and security passwords on the SNODE. The subparameters can contain one or more alphanumeric characters.

newpswd—Specifies a new password value. This subparameter is not supported by all types of Connect:Direct nodes. On z/OS systems only, the user password changes to the new value on the SNODE if the userid and old password are correct. If the SNODE is a UNIX node, the password does not change.

If you specify the password, you must also specify the ID. If you specify a new password, you must also specify the existing password.


The selection priority of the Process for execution. This priority parameter is used for Process selection. A Process with a higher priority is selected for execution before a Process with a lower priority. The priority value does not affect the priority during transmission.

Values range from 0 to 15, where 15 is the highest priority.

startt=([date | day | daily] [,time])

Identifies the specified date, day, or time to execute the Process. The Process is placed in the Timer queue in WS status. The date, day, daily, and time are positional parameters. If you do not specify date or day, type a comma before the time.

date—Specifies the day, month, and year, that you can code as mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. You can code month and day as one or two digits and year as two or four digits. If you only specify date, the time defaults to 00:00:00. The current date is the default.

day—Specifies the day of the week. Values are today, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

daily—Runs the Process daily.

time—Specifies the time of day in hh:mm[:ss] [am | pm] where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. Seconds are optional. You can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour format. If you use the 12-hour format, then you must specify am or pm. The default format is the 24-hour format.

If the time you specify has already passed, Connect:Direct schedules the Process for the next valid date and time. For example, if you set the Process to start daily at 5:00 PM, or startt=(, 17:00), and the Process submits at 5:30 PM, Connect:Direct schedules the Process to run the next day.

If you specify only the day value, the time defaults to midnight (00:00:00). This means that if you submit a Process on Monday, with Monday as the only startt parameter, the Process does not run until the following Monday at midnight.

Do not set the startt parameter if retain=initial. This causes the submit command to fail.

&symbolic name n=“variable string n” A symbolic parameter assigned a value. The value is substituted within the Process when the software encounters the symbolic parameter. The symbolic within the Process must be enclosed within quotes.


The following command submits the Process named payroll.cdp. Because the command specifies retain=yes, the Process is retained in the TCQ after execution. The Process starts the next Monday at 00:00:00. The command specifies Process accounting data for the PNODE.
submit file=payroll.cdp retain=yes startt=monday pacct="2003,dept-27";
The following command submits the Process named copyfil.cdp. Because the command specifies startt, the Process executes on the first day of January 2003 at 11:45 a.m.
submit file=copyfil.cdp snode=vmcent startt=(01/01/2003, 11:45:00 am);