Upgrading Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows

Complete the following procedure to perform a basic upgrade of Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows:

  1. If needed, copy the cd_srvr.ini file for the upgrade.
  2. Log in to the target server.
  3. Copy the installation executable file and cd_srvr.ini file (if needed) to the deployment directory. You can optionally put the installation executable file on a network share.
  4. For Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows version 4.6, run the installation executable with the following syntax:
    <Installation executable name> /v"ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=SNMP,Symbols CD_SETUP_TYPE=Upgrade 
    CD_SRVR_INI_FILE=\”C:\My Files\cd_srvr.ini\” CD_SOLIDDB_PWD=<password> /qn /l*v 
    C:\Windows\temp\cdinstall.log\" /w /s
    Restriction: If you want to use the cd_srvr.ini file, add it to the command.
  5. Review the log file (C:\Windows\temp\cdinstall.log).