Example VMESA Process

The Process named PROC1 specifies a secondary node (SNODE) of CD.NODE.A. The corresponding security user IDs and passwords (SNODEID) are included.

PROC1  PROCESS  SNODE=CD.NODE.A              -
                SNODEID=(JONES,OPENUP)       -
                CLASS=4                      -
                HOLD=YES                     -
                NOTIFY=%USER                 -
                PACCT=‘OPERATIONS, DEPT. 87’ -

This Process will run in CLASS 4.

The Process is placed in the Hold queue until it is released for execution with a CHANGE PROCESS command. As indicated by the NOTIFY parameter, the VM user who submitted the Process is notified upon completion of the Process.

The PACCT parameter specifies that all accounting information will be attributed to the operations account, department 87, if the node has a program that maintains this information.

After the Process executes, it is deleted because the RETAIN parameter is set to NO.