Setting Up Additional Configuration Requirements in a SunCluster 3.X Environment

The High-Availability cluster commands shown below are not intended to be a complete set of instructions for setting up the High-Availability cluster software. Additional steps may be required to complete the configuration of the High-Availability environment. High-Availability cluster expertise is the responsibility of the customer. White papers detailing specific environments, setup steps, and testing of various High-Availability clusters are available on the Support On Demand web site. In addition to modifying the configuration files, complete the following procedure to set up a SunCluster 3.X cluster:

  1. Type the following command to create the cluster resource:
    scdscreate -V SCI -T cd

    Use the V parameter to define the vendor ID and T parameter to define the resource ID.

  2. Type the following command to configure the custom resource scripts:
  3. Edit the resource file and change the value of RT_BASEDIR as follows:
