Identify the target systems

Take an inventory of the systems where you plan to deploy Connect:Direct®.

You must identify the operating system and hardware because each platform has a different installation program that requires a unique deployment package.

Refer to the following table for an example of how you might organize attribute information.
Attribute System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 System 5 System 6
Owning organization IT IT DEV TEST APPDEV APPDEV
Hardware architecture x86 x86 Sparc x86 x86 x86
Operating system Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Solaris Linux Linux Linux
Ports 11363, 11364 11363, 11364 default (1363, 1364) default (1363, 1364) default (1363, 1364) default (1363, 1364)
Initparm Win-Std-Init Win-Std-Init Dev-Init Test-Init APP1_Init APP1_Init
Netmap Win-Std-Net Win-Std-Net Dev-Net Test-Net APP1_Net APP1_Net
Userfile IT-General-User IT-General-User Dev-User Test-User APP1_User APP1_User
Xlate tables na na na na APP1_XLATE APP1_XLATE
Installation directory default default /development/cdu/cdu001 /test/cdu/test001 /appdev/cdu/app1 /appdev/cdu/app1
Authorization type ID and password ID and password Secure Point of Entry Secure Point of Entry Secure Point of Entry Secure Point of Entry
Certificates Single keycert for all nodes Single keycert for all nodes Single keycert for all nodes Single keycert for all nodes Unique keycert for each node Unique keycert for each node
Connect:Direct administrator user ID cdadmin cdadmin cdadmin cdadmin cdadmin cdadmin