Sign On
Sign On is required to use all IBM® Connect:Direct Web Services RESTful APIs
Note: For all of the IBM® Connect:Direct Web Services RESTful APIs, the authorization header must be
included in each RESTful API call for authentication.
1. Hit the URL https://<IP_Address:Port>/cdwebconsole/svc/signon using POST method
2. Encode the IBM® Connect:Direct user name and password that is formatted as user name:password into Base64. For example, if your user name is admin, and your password is password123, format it as admin:password123, and use an online encoder to convert it into Base64. When this example is encoded into Base64, it is YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=.
3. Set the header as Authorization: Basic <Encoded_Credentials_From_Step_2> and Content-Type: application/json
4. Set the body as below:
"ipAddress":"x.x.x.x ",