Configuring Secure Connection

To configure a secure connection between Connect:Direct Web Services and a Connect:Direct system running Connect:Direct Secure Plus, you need a truststore containing a trusted root certificate.

Connect:Direct Secure Plus administrator can give you the trusted root certificate. After you obtain the trusted root certificate, use the following procedure to add it to the trust store using the keytool utility:
  • Navigate to the following directory:
     % cd $Installation_Directory/jre/bin
  • Type the following command and press Enter:
     keytool -import -v -file <trustedroot.crt> -alias <mycert> -keystore <trustedstore>
    -storepass <password>
  • The following table describes the parameter values:
    Value Description
    trustedroot.crt Path or file name of the trusted root certificate provided by the Connect:Direct Secure Plus administrator
    mycert Alias name that will be used to identify the trusted root certificate in the trust store. This must be unique to each trusted root certificate in the trust store
    trustedstore Path or file name of the trust store. If this file already exists, the trusted root certificate will be added. If this file does not exist, it is created and the trusted root certificate is added
    password Password associated with the trusted root certificate
Note: If the existing trustedstore (provided with the installation) is NOT used, the following steps needs to be performed.
  • Stop the CD Web Services
  • Start the CD Web Services