Manage CMS Keystore

The commands in the following table describe how to create and maintain the CMS keystore file from the command line interface.

Command Description Parameter Values
create keystore Will create a new CMS Key Store file. File=While a default keystore file is created at installation and can be used, you may need to create a new CMS KeyStore File. <path to CMS KeyStore file (*.kdb)>

Default path is in:


    Passphrase=The password for the new KeyStore file. A string with a minimum of three characters and a maximum of eighty characters.

*This password must be retained; it will be required to administer the Secure+ KeyStore.

    PopulateRoots=Populate with standard certificate authorities. This will import all standard public CA Root certificates into the new KeyStore file. y | n
update keystore Updates the CMS KeyStore File=Path to existing CMS KeyStore and filename. <path to CMS KeyStore file (*.kdb)>

Default path is in:


    Passphrase=The password for the KeyStore file. The retained password which was given at the creation of the keystore.
import keycert Imports existing keycerts into the keystore file. File=Existing key certificate file.

*This file contains the private key*

Full path and filename to key certificate file to be imported.
    Passphrase=Password of key certificate file to be imported. Pre-defined password of key certificate file.
    Label=(optional) Name of imported key certificate file. A string of characters which can be an alias name but if it is not defined, the Common Name of the certificate will be the label used.
    SyncNodes=Update node/certificate references y | n
    ImportMode=Type of import to be used. Add | Replace | AddOrReplace
import trustedcert Imports public certificate files from trading partners. File=Trusted public file from trading partner. Full path and filename to trusted certificate file to be imported.
    ImportMode=Type of import to be used. Add | Replace | AddOrReplace
delete keystoreentry Deletes certificates from CMS keystore. File=Can be either key certificate file or trusted public trading partner file. Full path and filename to certificate file.
    Label=Specified label of imported certificate file. Label which was defined at time of import of the certificate file.
    DeleteChain=Defines whether to delete the entire chain, if it exists. y | n
    SyncNodes=Reset node/certificate references y | n