Using RESTful APIs with Connect:Direct
IBM® Connect:Direct Web Services RESTful Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable other applications to integrate with the IBM Connect:Direct.
IBM Connect:Direct Web Services RESTful APIs provide the following functions:
- Create, retrieve, update, and delete functions for the following configuration objects:
- Netmap Mode
- Netmap Node
- User Proxy
- User Authority
- Process Control Services (Submit/Change/Select/Suspend/Delete Process)
- Secure Plus Key Certificate
- Secure Plus Trusted Certificate
- Secure Plus Node Service
- Retrieve and update functions for the following configuration objects:
- Tracing
- Init Params
- Access the following read only web services:
- CD Node
- Select Statistics
- Message Lookup
- Secure Plus CipherSuites
Note: The secure connection with CD server is prerequisite to execute the Secure Plus API’s.
Please refer configuration guide for more details.
You can access the RESTful APIs documentation and work with the Interactive Console for trying out the Web Services execution using the URL: