If Web Server stops or system restarts then Web Server needs to be started manually
% cd Installation_Directory/bin
% ./
Output will be displayed as:
"Jetty Started successfully with PID : [Process id will be displayed here]"
If you try to start already running Web Server then you will get the below messages after
running the script:
WARNING: Jetty Server is already running.
If you require to stop the Web Server for any reason then you have to run the below script:
% ./
Output will be displayed as:
Jetty Server is Stopped successfully
To Start the Redis Server:
Navigate to following directory:
% cd Installation_Directory/redis
Run the below command:
% ./redis_{REDIS_PORT} start
To Stop the Redis Server :
Navigate to following directory:
% cd Installation_Directory/redis
Run the below command:
% ./redis_{REDIS_PORT} stop
If you specify already used port for jetty server during installation then installation
completes normally but Jetty web server will not able to start because of already used port. To
check this, see the below logs file:
% Installation_Directory/RestLogs/FrameworkLogs.log
If you specify already used port for redis server while installing CD Web Services then
installation completes normally but redis server won’t start due to already used port. To check
this, see the below logs file:
% Installation_Directory/redis/redis_6379.log
When you install CD Web Services from a non-root user and stop the Jetty web server and then
switch the account to root and start the web server. In this case, the web server will not be able
to start because file
% Installation_Directory/RestLogs/CDAIJ.log
% Installation_Directory/RestLogs/CDAIJ.log