Deploying Sterling Field Sales application

You can deploy Sterling Field Sales on the OpenShift® Container Platform for the Db2 or Oracle database by using the OpenShift Container Platform Management Console.

Before you deploy the Sterling Field Sales application, you must complete the following tasks.
  • If you are deploying for the Db2 database, ensure that you have downloaded the images.
  • If you are deploying for the Oracle database, you must first generate custom images. For information about how to generate custom images, refer the following section.

Generate a custom image for Oracle database

For deploying Sterling Field Sales on Oracle, you must generate the custom images by using the following steps.
  1. From the base image, create a custom runtime container with a shared directory, which is mounted from the host file system by running the following command:
    docker run -e LICENSE=accept --privileged -v <shared file system directory path>:/opt/ssfs/shared -it --name <container name> <image>
    If you are using podman (Pod Manager tool), run the following command:
    podman run -e LICENSE=accept --privileged -v <shared file system directory path>:/opt/ssfs/shared -it --name <container name> <image>

    After the command runs successfully, a container is created and you are directed to the shell environment of the container.

  2. Download and copy the ojdbc8.jar to a temporary location in the container.
  3. Go to <runtime>/bin and install the Oracle driver by running the following command:
    ./ <vendorName> <vendorVersion> -d <path to ojdbc8.jar> -targetJVM EVERY

    Verify that the Oracle driver is installed successfully by ensuring that the ojdbc8.jar exists in the opt/ssfs/runtime/dbjar/<vendorName>/<vendorVersion> directory.

    Note: When you run the ./ command, the Oracle driver entries in AGENTDynamicclasspath.cfg and APPDynamicclasspath.cfg are not updated automatically. Therefore, add the following entries in and
    • VENDOR_JAR=&INSTALL_DIR;<runtime relative path to ojdbc8.jar>
    • DB_JAR=&INSTALL_DIR;<runtime relative path to ojdbc8.jar>

    For example, &INSTALL_DIR;/dbjar/ojdbc8.jar

  4. You are now inside the container shell. Complete the following steps:
    1. Go to /opt/ssfs/runtime/properties.
    2. Add or modify the following properties of the sandbox.cfg file.
      Property Value
      ORACLE true
      ORA_HOST <oracle host name>
      ORA_PORT <oracle port number>
      ORA_DATA <Oracle service name/SID>
      ORA_USER <oracle user name>
      ORA_PASS <oracle user password>
      DB_SCHEMA_OWNER The default schema or schema-owner for the provided login ID.
      JDBC_DRIVER <complete path to ojdbc8.jar in runtime>
      DB_DRIVERS <complete path to ojdbc8.jar in runtime>
      ORACLE_NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS The type of length semantic to be used for Oracle database, when you use the dbverify tool.

      Valid values are CHAR or BYTE. Default value is set to BYTE.

      JDBC_VENDOR oracle
      Ensure the following when you are setting the properties.
      • Remove the properties that are associated with Db2 from the sandbox.cfg file.
      • Enter the details that are associated with Oracle database as the value of the DB property.
      • Enter the correct database details in the YANTRA_DB properties.

    For more information, see Sandbox.cfg properties.

  5. Go to <runtime>/bin, and then run the ./ command to ensure that the changes are updated.
  6. Go to <runtime>/bin, and run the ./ command to ensure that the connectivity to the Oracle database is established. If the ./ command fails, run the following command.
    export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.language=en"
  7. To generate the image, go to /container-scripts/imagebuild and run the following command:
    ./ --WAR_FILES=smcfs,sbc,sfs,ifs --DB_SCHEMA_OWNER=<DB_SCHEMA_OWNER>
  8. Push the images to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster by running the following command:
    buildah push <rhocp_docker_registry>/<namespace>/cpq-ifs-app:<tagname> 
    && buildah push <rhocp_docker_registry>/<namespace>/cpq-ifs-agent:<tagname>
    For example, to push the images to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster, run the following command:
    buildah push <rhocp_docker_registry>/default/pro-10.0.0-custom1

Deploying the Sterling Field Sales application

To deploy the Sterling Field Sales application, complete the following steps.
  1. Ensure that you have created the ifs-secrets.yaml file. The name of the secrets file is required in the values.yaml file.
  2. Accept the license of Sterling Configure, Price, Quote application by setting the value of the global.license property to true.
  3. Update the values.yaml file with the values of parameters in the file. For the list of supported values, see the README.
  4. Run the following command to install the Sterling Field Sales agent servers. Ensure that you use the updated Helm chart.
    helm install --name <release_name> --tls --values <directory path>/values.yaml
    helm install --name <release name> <path of helm chart> --set global.license=true,global.install.visualmodeler.enabled=false,global.install.configurator.enabled=false,global.install.ifs.enabled=true,global.install.runtime.enabled=false
Alternatively, you can install the applications by setting the appropriate properties in the values.yaml file. For more details about the properties, refer the README.
After successfully deploying the application server, you can access the following application URLs:
  • https://<>/smcfs/
  • https://<>/ifs/
  • https://<>/sbc/
  • https://<>/adminCenter/
Note: Ensure that you clear the browser cache before you access the Sterling Field Sales or Sterling Business Center applications.

Deploying the agents for Sterling Field Sales

Before you deploy the agents for Sterling Field Sales, ensure that the following prerequisites are completed:
  • Configuring agents in the Applications Manager.
  • Configuring IBM MQ with JMS resources and generating an IBM MQ binding file. For more information about IBM MQ binding files, see Creating JMS bindings in IBM® WebSphere MQ.
  • Creating the ConfigMap by running the following command:
    oc create configmap <config map name> --from-file=<path_to_.bindings_file> -n <namespace>

    Here, <namespace> refers to the namespace where the Sterling Field Sales Docker images are loaded.

Deploy the agents by completing the following steps:
  1. Go to Chart Directory and edit the values of the values.yaml file.

    Accept the license of the Sterling Field Sales application by setting the value of the ifs.license property to accept.

    For the list of supported values, see the README.

    Configure the agent server details in the values.yaml file by using the following code snippet:
    - group: "Logical Group 1"
      name: ["<agent server 1>", "<agent server 2>"]

    Here, <agent server 1> and <agent server 2> refers to the agent server names that are configured in the Applications Manager. You can define one or more agent server names.

  2. Run the following command to install the Sterling Field Sales agent servers on the OpenShift Container Platform by using the updated Sterling Field Sales Helm chart:
    helm install --name <release_name> --tls --values <directory path>/values.yaml

    Here, <directory path> refers to the location where the values.yaml file exists.