About this task
Sterling Configure, Price, Quote uses the X Window functionality to display barcodes
and dynamic graphical images (such as inventory supply & demand
graphs) in a UNIX environment.
The following configuration is required to enable the
X Window environment in UNIX systems
for the WebSphere® application
- From the WebSphere Administrative
Console, go to Servers > Application Server and select the application
server specified for Sterling Configure, Price, Quote.
- On the Configuration tab, select Java™ and Process Management under Server Infrastructure
- Select Process Definition.
- On the configuration, go to Additional Properties
and select Environment Entries.
- Select New.
- On the General Properties enter the Name
as DISPLAY and the value as IP_address_of_XWindows_server:0.0.
Do make sure that the X Window server accepts requests from this client.
- If you are using UNIX,
run the xhost+ command to remove access control for your X Window
You can run X server on the same
server in which you run Sterling Configure, Price, Quote. However, you need to be logged to the server
Restart the application server for the
DISPLAY variable to take effect.
- Save the changes to the Master Configuration.
Note: If the X Window server goes down
or crashes while the inventory user interface is using the Fusion
jar file, the WebSphere server
also goes down.