Validate and activate the Reference Implementation data on Unix or Linux®

About this task

You can validate and activate the Reference Implementation data. To validate the existing configuration, run the following command from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory.

./ -f ycd_load_oms_ref_impl.xml validate -logfile <logfile>

When the validator runs, the following configurations are validated:

  • User Exit Implementation—IBM® Sterling Call Center, and Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) applications provide implementation for some of the user exits. If the user exit implementations are not modified or overridden, the validation process succeeds. Otherwise, it fails.

    An implementation is provided for the following user exits:

    • YFSCollectionCreditCardUE
    • YFSCollectionOthersUE
    • YFSCollectionStoredValueCardUE
    • YFSBeforeCreateOrderUE
    • YFSBeforeChangeOrderUE
    • YFSProcessOrderHoldTypeUE
    • OMPGetCarrierServiceOptionsForOrderingUE
  • Pipeline Determination—IBM Sterling Call Center, and Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) applications provide pipelines and the associated pipeline determination rules. The validation process succeeds if the pipeline determination rules are not modified or overridden. Otherwise, the validation process fails.

    The pipeline determination rules for the following process types are validated:

  • Events—IBM Sterling Call Center and Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) applications provide event handlers for some of the transactions. If the event handlers are modified or overridden, the validation fails. Otherwise, the validation succeeds.

    The following table lists the events for which the event handlers are configured.

    Table 1. Lists of events for which the event handlers are configured
    Event Transaction ID
    On Collection Failure PAYMENT_EXECUTION
    On Success ORDER_CHANGE
    On Success ORDER_CREATE
    On Backorder SCHEDULE.0001
    On Cancel SCHEDULE.0001
    On Backorder RELEASE.0001
    On Cancel RELEASE.0001
    On hold type status change ORDER_CHANGE
    On hold type status change ORDER_CREATE
    On hold type status change DRAFT_ORDER_CONFIRM
    On hold type status change ORDER_RELEASE_CHANGE
    On Success YCD_FRAUD_CHECK.0001
    On hold type status change YCD_FRAUD_CHECK.0001
    On Fraudulent Order YCD_FRAUD_CHECK.0001
    On Success YCD_DUPLICATE_ORDER.0001
    On hold type status change YCD_DUPLICATE_ORDER.0001
    On Duplicate Order YCD_DUPLICATE_ORDER.0001
    Address Verification Failed YCD_VERIFY_ADDRESS.0001
    Send Notification YCD_SHIP_NOTIFICATION.0001

To activate the data, run the following command from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory.

./ -f ycd_load_oms_ref_impl.xml activator -logfile <logfile>