Installing fix packs for Sterling Field Sales containers
This topic contains information about how to install Sterling Field Sales fix packs on the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform.
Before you begin
- Create a shared directory in the host file system by running the following command.
mkdir -p /opt/ssfs/shared
- Download the Sterling Field Sales fix pack from the IBM Fix Central. You can also download the Sterling Order Management System Software fix pack based on your business requirement.
- Copy the Sterling Order Management System Software fix pack to the /opt/ssfs/shared/OMS_FP directory and the Sterling Field Sales fix pack to the /opt/ssfs/shared/IFS_FP directory. Ensure that the folders contain only one file each and the files are named similar to sfs_10_FP*.jar and smcfs_10_FP*.jar.
- Run the following command to create a base container by using the
cpq-ifs-base image.
podman run -e LICENSE=accept --privileged -v /opt/ssfs/shared:/images -it --name <container_name> cpq-ifs-base:<tagname>
You are directed to the /opt/ssfs/runtime folder in the base container. If a base container exists, use the following command to go to the base container.podman exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
- Generate the Sterling Field Sales fix
pack images by running the following script.
./ <TAG_NAME> | tee ifs_fixPack.log
The script takes approximately an hour to run.
- After the script runs completely, the cpq-ifs-app_<TAG_NAME>.tar, the cpq-ifs-agent_<TAG_NAME>.tar, and the cpq-ifs-base_<TAG_NAME>.tar files are available in the /opt/ssfs/shared folder.
- Exit from the Sterling Field Sales base container.
- Load the application image and the agent image to the OpenShift cluster by running the
following commands.
podman load -i cpq-ifs-app_<TAG_NAME.tar>
podman load -i cpq-ifs-agent_<TAG_NAME.tar>
- Tag the images and push it to the OpenShift image registry by running the following
podman tag <tagID> <imagename>:<tagname>
podman push <imagename>:<tagname>
- Update the tag for Sterling Field Sales in the values.yaml file.
- Install the Sterling Field Sales
application by running the following command.
helm install my-release [chartpath] --timeout 3600 --set global.license=true, global.install.visualmodeler.enabled=false, global.install.configurator.enabled=false, global.install.ifs.enabled=true, global.install.runtime.enabled=false
- Log in to the Sterling Field Sales application. In the About menu, verify that the fix pack is installed.
- Log in to the Sterling Business Center application. In the About menu, verify that the fix pack is installed.