Installing fix packs for Sterling Field Sales containers

This topic contains information about how to install Sterling Field Sales fix packs on the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have downloaded and deployed the latest Sterling Field Sales images.


  1. Create a shared directory in the host file system by running the following command.
    mkdir -p /opt/ssfs/shared
  2. Download the Sterling Field Sales fix pack from the IBM Fix Central. You can also download the Sterling Order Management System Software fix pack based on your business requirement.
  3. Copy the Sterling Order Management System Software fix pack to the /opt/ssfs/shared/OMS_FP directory and the Sterling Field Sales fix pack to the /opt/ssfs/shared/IFS_FP directory. Ensure that the folders contain only one file each and the files are named similar to sfs_10_FP*.jar and smcfs_10_FP*.jar.
  4. Run the following command to create a base container by using the cpq-ifs-base image.
    podman run -e LICENSE=accept --privileged -v /opt/ssfs/shared:/images -it --name <container_name> cpq-ifs-base:<tagname>
    You are directed to the /opt/ssfs/runtime folder in the base container. If a base container exists, use the following command to go to the base container.
    podman exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
  5. Generate the Sterling Field Sales fix pack images by running the following script.
    ./ <TAG_NAME> | tee ifs_fixPack.log

    The script takes approximately an hour to run.

  6. After the script runs completely, the cpq-ifs-app_<TAG_NAME>.tar, the cpq-ifs-agent_<TAG_NAME>.tar, and the cpq-ifs-base_<TAG_NAME>.tar files are available in the /opt/ssfs/shared folder.
  7. Exit from the Sterling Field Sales base container.
  8. Load the application image and the agent image to the OpenShift cluster by running the following commands.
    podman load -i cpq-ifs-app_<TAG_NAME.tar>
    podman load -i cpq-ifs-agent_<TAG_NAME.tar>
  9. Tag the images and push it to the OpenShift image registry by running the following commands.
    podman tag <tagID> <imagename>:<tagname>
    podman push <imagename>:<tagname>
  10. Update the tag for Sterling Field Sales in the values.yaml file.
  11. Install the Sterling Field Sales application by running the following command.
    helm install my-release [chartpath] --timeout 3600 --set global.license=true, global.install.visualmodeler.enabled=false, global.install.configurator.enabled=false, global.install.ifs.enabled=true, global.install.runtime.enabled=false
  12. Log in to the Sterling Field Sales application. In the About menu, verify that the fix pack is installed.
  13. Log in to the Sterling Business Center application. In the About menu, verify that the fix pack is installed.