Upgrading Concert software (VM)

You can upgrade IBM® Concert on a virtual machine. Follow the upgrade process for an in-place upgrade of the Concert installation.


  1. Download the latest package of the Concert software, replacing <version> with the latest available version number. This package is also available on the Concert GitHub repository.
    wget https://github.com/IBM/Concert/releases/download/v1.0.4/ibm-concert-std.tgz
  2. Go to the directory where your current version of Concert is installed.
  3. Set the following environment variables to the values that you set during the original installation:
    export DOCKER_EXE=<docker or podman>
    export CONCERT_REGISTRY=<your registry>
    export CONCERT_REGISTRY_USER=<your Concert registry user>
    export CONCERT_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<your Concert registry user password>
  4. Stop all Concert services:
  5. Confirm that services are stopped:
  6. Copy data and configuration files to another directory for a backup:
    mkdir <backup directory>
    cp -rp  ./ibm-concert-std/localstorage <backup directory>/.
    cp  -p  ./ibm-concert-std/etc/local_config.env <backup directory>/.
  7. Expand the new ibm-concert-std.tgz package in the same directory that contains your existing installation of Concert, and with at least 512 GB of available disk space.
    tar xfz ibm-concert-std.tgz
  8. Run a Docker or Podman log in to authenticate with the source image registry. For example:
  9. Run the ibm-concert-std/bin/setup script to prepare your machine. The --license_acceptance=y setting is required.
    Warning: If the following command fails, do not attempt to run it again. Doing so could impact your Concert data. Instead, if the command fails, contact IBM Support for assistance.
    ibm-concert-std/bin/setup --license_acceptance=y --registry=${CONCERT_REGISTRY} --runtime=${DOCKER_EXE} --username=ibmconcert --password
  10. (For upgrading from v1.0.1 to v1.0. 2 only) If you are upgrading to Concert software to version 1.0.2, run the following steps:
    $ ${DOCKER_EXE} exec -it ibm-roja-postgres bash
    bash-5.1$ \
    set schema 'ibm_roja_app'; \ 
    update vulnerability_findings set scan_type='image_scan' where scan_type is null or scan_type = ''; \
    alter table certificates alter column metadata type jsonb using metadata::jsonb; \
    alter table certificates alter column additional_data type jsonb using additional_data::jsonb; \
    Note: To update Concert to the latest version, you must first install and activate each preceding version in order.