Installing Concert software (OCP without CPFS)

Refer to the following instructions for installing Concert software on an OCP cluster without CPFS.

Before you begin

  • You must be an administrator for the cluster on which you are installing Concert software.
  • Install kubectl on your workstation. For more information, refer to kubectl documentation.
  • You must have valid credentials for production registry.
  • You must have a storage class or setup secrets for bring your own repositories.


Use the following instructions to install Concert software on an OCP cluster (without CPFS).

  1. Download the latest package of the Concert software, replacing <version> with the latest available version number. This package is also available on the Concert GitHub repository.
    Note: Replace the <version> variable in the URL path with the latest release of Concert software. To install the latest software version, enter v1.0.4.
  2. Expand the ibm-concert-k8s.tgz package in the chosen directory. Replace <install_directory> with the local file path.
    cd <install_directory> 
    tar xfz ibm-concert-k8s.tgz

    The following file structure should appear in the target directory.

    ├── README.txt
    ├── app-base
    ├── app-build-cfg
    ├── app-in-eks-alb-ingress
    ├── app-in-eks-nginx-ingress
    ├── app-in-ocp
    ├── app-license-or
    ├── app-metering-events
    ├── app-post-cpfs
    ├── app-post-saas
    ├── app-prep
    ├── configure-keycloak
    ├── dev-cfg
    ├── etc
    ├── install-concert-k8s
    ├── licenses
    ├── pre-reqs
    ├── scripts
    ├── setup
    ├── setup-cpfs
    Note: The README.txt file in the target directory contains the instructions to install Concert as well as license details.
  3. Install Concert using the ./install-concert-k8s script available in the directory.
    ./install-concert-k8s \
    --license_acceptance=y \
    --namespace=<> \
    --registry=<> \
    --registry_user=<> \
    --registry_password \
    --username=<> \
    --password \
    --storage_class= \
    • --license_acceptance: This flag indicates that you accept (y) the software license agreement.
    • --namespace: This flag indicates the Kubernetes namespace where the Concert software will be installed.
    • --registry: This flag indicates the file path of the Concert images on the container registry. If using an IBM Container Registry, set this value to
    • --registry_user: This flag specifies the username to access the Concert images on the container registry. If using an IBM Container Registry, set this value to cp.
    • --registry_password: This flag specifies the password associated with the registry username. Optionally, if you omit the password value, the CLI will prompt you to enter the password value manually, ensuring it is submitted securely and confidentially.
    • --username: This flag specifies the username associated with the Concert admin login credentials.
    • Set the --password value to the admin username associated with the Concert instance. Alternatively, you can omit the password value in the command, in which case, the CLI tool will prompt you to enter it securely as a subsequent step.
    • --storage_class: This flag sets the storage class for storing Concert data.
    • --scale_config: This flag sets the scaling configuration level for your Concert instance.
    For example:
    ./install-concert-k8s \
    --license_acceptance=y \
    --namespace=concert-ns \ \
    --registry_user=cp \
    --registry_password \
    --username=admin \
    --password \
    --storage_class=nfs-client \
  4. Once installation is complete, generate a route to access Concert on your OCP cluster. The command uses a TLS certificate generated for internal communication. Alternatively, to use a custom certificate, refer to the Replacing the default ingress certificate in the Red Hat® documentation for instructions.
    1. Generate a route to access Concert on your OCP cluster.
      ./ <concert_namespace>
    2. Retrieve the route created in the previous step:
      oc get route roja -n <concert_namespace>
      Tip: Record the details returned in the response, including the host, port, password, username, and keys. You need these values to access and manage your Concert instance.
    3. Extract the route secret:
      oc extract -n <concert_namespace> secret/app-cfg-secret --to=-
    4. If you use your own custom certificate, edit the route to include the custom certificate. Refer to Creating a re-encrypt route with a custom certificate in the Red Hat documentation for details.

Next step

Use the route details generated or returned in the previous step to access your Concert instance.