Generating a Report from a Websheet

You can generate 'briefing book' - style reports in TM1® Web in two ways:
Note: If your installation of TM1 Web is configured to run without Microsoft Excel on the Web server, some limitations may apply when exporting Websheets. For details, see Websheet Export Limitations.


  1. Click Export Export button.
  2. Select an export format for the report.
    • Slice to Excel - Excel documents that retain a link to the TM1 server by way of functions. When you connect to the server with which the slice is associated, the slice displays the current cube values.
    • Snapshot to Excel - Excel documents that contain numeric values reflecting cube values at the moment the export occurred. Because snapshots do not retain a link to the TM1 server , the values are static, representing a 'snapshot' of cube values at the moment of export.
    • Export to PDF - PDF documents that display cube values at the moment the export occurred.

    The Websheet Export dialog box opens. The dialog box reports the number of elements in each title dimension subset.

  3. Select the title dimensions you want to include in the report.

    As you select dimensions, the dialog box indicates the number of sheets that will be generated. In the following example, where the actvsbud and region title dimensions are selected, the report will generate 96 sheets (3 elements x 32 elements).

    Dimension to Export window displaying the number of elements in each dimension and which are marked for export.
    Note: TM1 Web determines the number of elements for each title dimension by the number of elements in the current title dimension subset. If you edit a title dimension subset, the number of elements for the title dimension changes accordingly.
  4. Click OK in the Websheet Export dialog box to create the report.

    TM1 Web generates report sheets (or pages, for a PDF) by cycling through the selected title dimensions in the order they appear in the Websheet Export dialog box. In the example, TM1 Web generates the sheets as follows:

    • For any title dimension not selected in the Websheet Export dialog box, TM1 Web uses the current title element in the Websheet in all report sheets. In the example, the model dimension is not selected, so TM1 Web uses the current title element in all report sheets.
    • TM1 Web begins generating sheets using the first element from the current subset of the actvsbud title dimension.
    • Keeping the actvsbud title element constant, TM1 Web then generates sheets by cycling through all elements of the current subset of the region title dimension.
    • TM1 Web generates sheets using the second element from the actvsbud title dimension subset.
    • Keeping the second element from the actvsbud title dimension subset constant, TM1 Web generates sheets by again cycling through all elements of the current subset of the region title dimension.
    • Finally, keeping the third element from the actvsbud title dimension subset constant, TM1 Web again generates sheets by cycling through all elements of the current subset of the region title dimension.

    After TM1 Web generates all sheets, you can open or save the report.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Open to open the report in a new browser window.
    • Click Save to save the report to your hard disk.
    Note: By default, exporting a slice or snapshot report to Excel displays the report in a web browser window. For details on configuring your computer to open reports into the full, stand-alone version of Excel, see the Microsoft support web site.

    Additionally, if you want to use TM1 functionality with a slice that you export to Excel, you must open the slice in the stand-alone version of Excel and have a local version of IBM® Cognos® TM1 Perspectives installed on your computer.

    Note: If you are experiencing problems exporting Excel or PDF files from TM1 Web , and TM1 Web running on a WAN (Wide Area Network) server, you may need to re-configure the security settings in Internet Explorer. For details, see the IBM Cognos TM1 Operation Guide.