This is a TM1® TurboIntegrator function, valid only in TurboIntegrator processes.
NewDateFormatter(Locale, <TimeZone>, <UseUNIXTime>, <FormatterStyle>, <FormatterType>, <TimeType>)
Argument |
Description |
Locale | Locale used for parsing or formatting dates. If an empty string is passed, then the operating system locale is used. Locales are specified in the format language[_territory][.variant]. For example, cs_CK is the Czech language and Czech Republic. |
TimeZone | Timezone used for parsing or formatting dates. Refer to for a complete list of time zones. If not specified, the time zone used is UTC ('Etc/UTC'). |
UseUNIXTime | If 'unix' is specified, then times are treated as milliseconds since January 1, 1970. Otherwise, they are treated in TM1 serial format. Note that only dates later than January 1, 1970 can be processed even if TM1 serial format is used. |
FormatterStyle | Controls the date format used when an empty pattern is specified to the FormatDate or ParseDate functions. Valid values are 'full', 'long', 'medium' or 'short'. The default is 'medium'. |
FormatterType | Controls the type of format used when an empty pattern is specified to the FormatDate or ParseDate functions. Valid values are 'time', 'date' or 'datetime'. The default is 'date'. |
dfUNIX = NewDateFormatter('', 'Etc/UTC', 'unix');
dfStyleFullDateTime = NewDateFormatter('en_us', 'America/Toronto', 'serial', 'full', 'datetime');