Upgrading IBM Cognos Controller

You can upgrade from any previous version of IBM® Cognos® Controller to the current version.

If you have earlier versions of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence products installed with your existing version of IBM Cognos Controller, you must upgrade IBM Cognos Analytics to a version supported by the version of IBM Cognos Controller you are upgrading to, before you can use IBM Cognos Controller and IBM Cognos Analytics together.

If you installed IBM Cognos Controller with other IBM Cognos products such as IBM Cognos Planning, upgrading is supported when all products are the same version. For information about upgrading IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.

You can upgrade by replacing components in the same directory or by installing the new version of IBM Cognos Controller in a separate directory on the same computer or on a separate computer.

When you upgrade to the same directory as an older version or when you upgrade to a new directory on the same computer, you back up your data, uninstall the older version, install the new version and configure it to use the same databases as the older version, and then upgrade the databases.

When you upgrade to a new computer, you back up your data, install the new version, configure it to use copies of the databases from the older version, and then upgrade the databases. After the new version is operating, you can uninstall the old version. For more information, see Upgrading to a New Computer.


  1. Planning an Upgrade
  2. Install or upgrade other products
  3. Back up your application data
  4. Uninstall the older version of IBM Cognos Controller
  5. Install the new version of IBM Cognos Controller
  6. Apply the configuration
  7. Upgrade your application databases


After upgrading, there may be additional installation and configuration required to use new features. For example, if you want to use the Publish to Data Mart Framework Manager model, you must also install and configure IBM Cognos Framework Manager, set up a database Create a Controller Data Mart Database and define a data source Define a Data Source for the Controller Data Mart for the Controller data mart, and then extract and publish the Framework Manager model to IBM Cognos Connection Extract the Publish to Data Mart Model and Publish It to IBM Cognos Connection.