Performing calculations on measures and creating new columns

If you want to compute with values that are the result of an aggregation, then you can create calculations based on measures.

For example, you can create a calculation by adding a fixed value to a measure. The following example adds 1 million to the Total Claim Amount measure.

Animation that shows how to create a calculation based on a measure

You can use a calculation based on measures only in the dashboard where you created the calculation. Calculations are not stored with the data source.


  1. In a dashboard, click a visualization that contains a measure column.
  2. Click the Fields panel to open it.
  3. In the Fields panel, from the measure context menu Vertical actions menu icon, click Create calculation.
  4. Specify a name for your calculation.
  5. Define the calculation by using the appropriate mathematical operation, which can be addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), percentage (%), or percentage change (% change).
    Note: If you want to define the calculation by using the Cognos Analytics expression editor, click Use calculation editor.
  6. Use the Calculate after aggregation option to set whether the calculation is run before or after the data aggregation.
  7. Click OK.
    The calculation is added to a slot in the visualization as a new measure. This does not have to be the same slot as from where you created the calculation. If you want to add the calculated measure to the slot you created the calculation from, then drag the calculated measure to that slot.