Importing metadata

You can import metadata into a new project or an existing project. Importing metadata is an operation that can be performed many times to extend the project

IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager can use the metadata and data from external data sources to build a project.

To import metadata, you must indicate which sources you want and where they are located. You can import from only one data source at a time. If you want to import from more than one data source, you must perform multiple imports.

You can import metadata from

For information about working with data source connections, see Data source connections.

Duplicate object names

When you import metadata, you can select how you want the import to handle duplicate object names. You have the option of not importing the object, or importing and creating a unique name. The advantage of importing everything except these duplicate objects is that you can add new database objects to the project without specifying them individually, and without going through synchronization. To import metadata that has the same table names, you must create two namespaces and import each table into a different namespace.

When you import SAP BW metadata, IBM Cognos Framework Manager assigns a unique name to each object. Therefore, if you rename an object in the model and then reimport it, Framework Manager recognizes that it already exists. To reimport an object with a different unique name, you can create a new namespace and reimport the object into this namespace.

You can also import objects that have the same name.