Removing Excel sheet numbering
As a result of product improvements, the RSVP.EXCEL.NUMBEREDSHEETNAMES advanced server property that was used to configure Excel sheet numbering is no longer needed and was removed.
For customers who used the RSVP.EXCEL.NUMBEREDSHEETNAMES property set to
there is no difference in the product behavior, except for some improvements
(consistency and defect fixes) that are delivered in this release. The product behavior when the
RSVP.EXCEL.NUMBEREDSHEETNAMES property was set to true
is no
longer supported.
The RSVP.EXCEL.XLS2007_SUFFIX_PAGENUMBER is also removed. This property was introduced in Cognos® Analytics 12.0.1 to support the RSVP.EXCEL.NUMBEREDSHEETNAMES property, and was intended as a temporary solution (Excel sheet naming improvements).
For more information, see Naming duplicate sheets in Excel 2007 reports.