Customizing the Color Palette of a Chart

You can use the chart palette to control the colors or patterns used in the columns, lines, data markers or areas in a chart. For example, if "Telephone" is the first in a data series of order methods, and you want it to appear in blue, use the palette to make the first item in the series blue.

You can customize the color palette for area, bar, bubble, gauge, Pareto, pie, and scatter charts.

You can also apply background effects to chart objects or change the colors of specific chart elements.

Note: Your administrator can create custom palettes. For more information, see Create Custom Palettes in IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio. Although this document refers to Cognos BI 10.2.2, the information also applies to Cognos Analytics 11. The only difference is that, in Cognos 11, the location install location\webcontent\pat has changed to install location\webcontent\bi\pat.