Reordering objects

By default, root namespace objects listed in the Project Viewer display in the order they were added. You can change the order of objects based on their names. Objects may be reordered in ascending or descending order.

When selecting objects to reorder, all selections must be at the same level in the metadata tree. However, you can reorder only some of the objects on a level. The location of the reordered objects relative to the objects that were not selected is based on position of the first object in the reordered list. For example, when reordering in ascending order, the object with the name that begins with the letter closest to "A" remains in its current position in the Project Viewer, followed by the other selected objects.

You can include the children when reordering selected objects. For example, assume that two query subjects, Retailers West and Retailers East display on one level. Each query subject has children, which display one level below their parents. If you reorder Retailers West and Retailers East and choose to include their children, the Project Viewer lists Retailers East and then Retailers West on one level. The children of each query subject are grouped below their parent, and are listed in ascending order.

You can also choose to include the descendant of child objects. The time required to reorder objects may increase depending on the type and number of selected objects.

If selections include read-only objects or levels in hierarchies, IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager displays a message indicating that these items cannot be reordered.


  1. In the Project Viewer, select the root namespace objects you want to reorder.

    Ensure that selected objects are at the same level.

    You can also select objects in the Explorer tab, or Diagram tab.

  2. Click Tools, Reorder.
  3. Click whether to reorder objects by name in ascending order or descending order.
  4. Select whether to reorder the selected objects only, or to reorder the selected objects and their children.

    If you choose to reorder children of selected objects, you can also include all descendants of the child objects.

  5. Click OK.