Change the notification database
By default, the notification server uses the
same database that Content Manager uses for the content store. You
can use a separate database for notification in situations where you
run large volumes of batch reports and email.
Using a separate database for notification involves the following tasks:
Creating a notification database.
For IBM Db2®, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, use the same procedure that was used to create the content store database. Use the instructions in Guidelines for creating the content store.
Note: If you are using Db2, you cannot generate a script to create the notification database in the same way as you can the content store.For Db2 on z/OS®, use the instructions in Suggested settings for creating a notification database on IBM Db2 on z/OS.
Setting up the database connectivity.
You can use the same procedure as to set the connectivity for the content store database, Set up database connectivity for the content store database.
Changing the connection properties for the notification database.
Use the instructions in Change the Connection Properties for the Notification Database.