You can configure a specific Cognos®
namespace to use with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
About this task
This option can be used with namespaces that are or aren’t configured for single sign-on.
Follow the steps in the Configuring IIS in Cognos Analytics topic to configure IIS with IBM
Cognos Analytics.
- Add an HTTP header named HTTP_CAM_Namespace by using the following
- Click the bi directory under
- Double-click URL Rewrite.
- Click View Server Variables, and add a server variable named
HTTP_CAM_Namespace in the following way:
- Click Add.
- Name the variable HTTP_CAM_Namespace.
- Click Back to Rules
- Click on the rewrite rule named Headers, and click
- Expand Server variables, and click
- Click Add.
- Select HTTP_CAM_Namespace, and set the value to the Namespace
ID, as specified in IBM Cognos Configuration, of the namespace that you want to
- Click Apply, and then Back to Rules.
- Restart IIS.