
A relationship describes how to create a relational query for multiple objects in the model. Without relationships, these objects are isolated sets of data.

Relationships work in both directions. You often must examine both directions to fully understand the relationship.

The different types of relationships are

  • One-to-one

    One-to-one relationships occur when one instance of data in a query subject relates to exactly one instance of another. For example, each student has one student number.

  • One-to-many or zero-to-many

    One-to-many or zero-to-many relationships occur when one instance of data in a query subject relates to many instances of another. For example, each teacher has many students.

  • Many-to-many

    Many-to-many relationships occur when many instances of data in a query subject relate to many instances of another. For example, many students have many teachers.

When importing metadata, IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager can create relationships between objects in the model based on the primary and foreign keys in the data source. You can create or remove relationships in the model so that the model better represents the logical structure of your business.

After you import metadata, verify that the relationships you require exist in the project and that the cardinality is set correctly. The data source may have been designed without using referential integrity. Often, many primary and unique key constraints are not specified. Without these constraints, Framework Manager cannot generate the necessary relationships between fact tables and dimension tables.

Framework Manager stores relationships in the nearest common parent of the objects that participate in the relationship. The parent can be either a folder or a namespace. If you move one of the participating objects outside the common parent, the relationship moves to the next namespace that is common to both ends of the relationship. If you move a relationship to a different folder or namespace, the participating objects also move to the same folder or namespace.

Tip: Use the Search tab (Tools pane) to find an object of class Relationship whose name matches a specified pattern. For example, if you search for a relationship whose name contains Order Header, Framework Manager finds all relationships that have Order Header as one end. If you renamed a relationship, a search of this type may not find it.