Exporting metadata for translation
When you export metadata for translation, a CSV file is generated that contains the strings to be translated, and context information for translators.
By default, this file is named Exported language.csv.
For each exported language, the following columns can be created in the CSV file:
- Original text
- This column is always included. It contains the properties that you chose to export. The properties can be Label, Screen tip, or Description. The values of these properties will be translated.
- Property
- This column identifies whether the object is a Label, Screen tip, or Description.
- Short identifier
- This column contains the Identifier of the object.
- Long identifier
- This column is comprised of the object Identifier property, and the parent object identifiers that are needed to identify where the object is located. You can also use the long identifier to refine the grain of the translation.
- Exclude hidden objects | Include hidden objects
- Use this option to exclude or include the metadata of hidden objects in the translation. The default is not to include them.
- Ignore case sensitivity | Maintain case sensitivity
- Use this option to control whether the letter case must be considered when translating the strings. By default, the letter case of strings is ignored.
- Exclude external references | Include external references
- Use this option to exclude or include objects from another data module in the translation.
The objects in the translation file are sorted alphabetically. You can change the sort order later.
For related information, see Object properties.
Before you begin
Think about the scope and costs of translating the metadata. It's possible that translating selected items of the data module could cost more than exporting and translating the entire data module.
About this task
You can control whether to export the entire data module or only selected items. If you select the root node of the data module, everything in the data module is exported. If you select a folder, a table, or multiple tables, only the selected items and their contents are exported.
What to do next
Send the translation file to a translation service. The translators will translate the strings in the Original text column into the requested languages. Later, the sources that contain the translated strings can be imported into the data module.