Converting referenced tables

You can convert referenced (linked) tables to different types of tables.

About this task

The Convert option is available for tables in data modules that are sourced from other data modules.

You can use the Convert option to break links to tables in the source data module. However, converting a referenced table to a shortcut or alias does not break the table link to the source module. For more information, see Using other data modules as data module sources.

Note: In Cognos® Analytics 11.2.3 and earlier versions, the Break link option was used to break the table link to its source table. Starting with version 11.2.4, the Break link option is replaced by the Convert option.


  1. In the data module tree, or on the Relationships or Custom tables tab, click the table context menu Vertical actions menu icon, and select Convert.

    For example, when you select Convert for an alias table, the following conversion options are available:

    Convert dialog box
  2. Select the type of table to convert to, and click Convert.

    The icon on the converted table changes accordingly.